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Auris_Chiller last won the day on October 4 2014

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  1. Could you drop for light themes? Thank YOu
  2. Problem is with theme , but also unable to find there problem is
  3. Apex, because has better graphics and more interesting, fortnite seems to be for kids
  4. Hello. I have a question. Is it impossible and how to recache skin made by me from 3.x to 4.x ? Does anybody have some tips?
  5. Now i have this..... As in other site are like this
  6. Helllo i have some question how to do this: All iin image up
  7. Hello. Trie 2things. 1. BUy better hosting not VPS. 2. Fix your skin, because there can be a problem.
  8. Username: Auris_Chiller First Name: Aurimas Age: 18 Rate your English out of 10: 8 Additional languages spoken: Russian,Lithuanian Software specialization: IPB IPB skills: 9/10 XenForo skills: 0 vBulletin skills: 0 WordPress skills: 0 HTML / CSS skills: 9 Other qualifications: Dj What can you bring to the team? Beeing in this teem i can bring a better qualification i mean that to make some clean. To watch old topics and etc, i will trie to take more help with IPB questions and supports and more and more. I have some ideas, like warning deletion, for reporting the forum tashers youc can decrease your warning or something else. And to dont copy this thing you could make some one thing in which nobody can copy and this post you able to see only you
  9. BUt i cannot in member groups set this that if member baned gets that avatar, or i need always check if member banned to set myself manuolly foto?
  10. Hello, i want to ask how to do this, when members get block automatic sets a avatar i want to chose an avatar to show "This member is banned" not rank , but photo. Egzample - http://www.supergames.lt/user/35110-paynas/
  11. Which hook i should delete? Secondary group hook or what? because only SOS33 hooks are. I solved myself this problem. Just needed to disable all hooks and one by one turn one BUMP topic hook was the problem.
  12. I know how to read but you how me like DAT english can explain jow to solve this probleem foto or what i dont have that hooks .. where prefix name but i deleted..
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