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Everything posted by legitreafer

  1. It's fresh installed. No pluginis yet or additional custom application.
  2. I tried installinig 4.5 and 4.4 but gives me the same error everytime I try to create a topic or post a reply. I also reinistall both version but gives the same error. Can someone help me? Thanks!
  3. I thought I've been banned. Hahah nice update
  4. Hi is there a way to force to desktop view on mobile?
  5. Welcome to webflake mate!
  6. Hi, How can I remove the Site Offline Notification on Admin views in forum and ACP? My version is 4.4.X Thanks in advance!
  7. 1. Super Mario 2. CS 3. GTA 4. Red Alert 5. Ragnarok
  8. I'm new but i am not new. Member since 2015 but this is my first post.
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