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  1. I am in a dilemma, I am going to open a forum and my idea is that new members need to have 5 posts approved by an administrator before being promoted to the next group (verified) where they can post without having to be approved. But I don't know if this could make some potential members leave when they see that their posts must be approved, my forum is based on unlocking content through credits that you get for participating in the forum (create topics and reply). What do you think?
  2. Thx for the tutorial, very detailed and well explained.
    Worked great with 4.3. Someone tested it with the 4.4.3? New version is out: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8483-bim-hide-link-and-code/
  3. So how is going the speed on that server? I'm currently on alchosting, but i'm getting "500 error" too often.... (IPS 4.3)
  4. Someone can recommend me some? Thx. I'm thinking on go with this one: https://secure.alchosting.ltd/cart.php?gid=4
  5. Intel all the way if you have the money.
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