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  1. 2015 Prius (don't judge me it gets great gas mileage lol)
  2. Netflix personally although I don't know if my vote counts as I've never heard of the other... granted I'll be looking into it now ^_^
  3. GTA would have to be the game of my choice over RDR...
  4. I use an iPhone and oddly enough I prefer Spotify over apple music
  5. I was curious if it would be possible to get my display name changed (more anonymity) and I had a file that was uploaded (R. Discord Integration). Went to update it today only to find that it had been removed? Thanks for your time!
  6. Which version are you trying to install and what version is your board? Also, what PHP version are you currently using?
  7. Local Drives + Plex although I do want to get it off my machine and onto a NAS. I saw a few recommendations here I'll look into
  8. I honestly can't remember. Was a lurker for quite some time and finally registered an account a few years back I believe.
  9. Welcome to Weblake! This communicate has been extremely helpful in keeping our community going and I'm sure it will yours too!
  10. aceblade

    xf 2

    I agree. They could have done a LOT more with it :(
    Working great until now - also looking for 1.0.1 - if you could update it, please
  11. Hi all, Long time lurker, even though I've been registered forever. I visit Webflake often as it has everything I need from support to ideas that I've never thought of for my own forum. I try to be as anonyms as I completely can as I work in the Tech field and I'm sure someone might stumble upon this but I greatly appreciate everything Webflake does and offers to members... even if they're standard flakes
  12. In my opinion the best alternative would be sparkpost - https://www.sparkpost.com/
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