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thetechgenius last won the day on November 2 2014

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  1. I dont think the logo is made in photoshop, its probably made in Adobe illustrator.
  2. Exactly. Its a spam bot that is sending 400 or more bots out to spam forums. If it was a DDoS Attack, them bots would all have different IP's, because they all would be coming from a different bot net host. And that many bots would probably take down your servers network.
  3. Codelink v2 is a hacking simulation game inspired by Uplink. However, its a lot different in many ways then one. For more info visit - http://codelinkv2.net You can download the Game Client here - http://clv2.thetechgenius.net/clv2/game/codelinkv2.zip Codelink was created by a friend of mine who goes by the name momoguru, and is hosted by me TheTechGenius aka limitzcash, its hosted on my small farm of dedicated servers. Download the Game Client, click on New and create a new account. Once the account is created, you can then sign in with your account. The game client is 100% virus free, its just a client that connects to the game server. Its basically just a Flash player that connects to a remote server, thats about it. But the client lets us keep track of the players and lets us make sure there are no cheaters. Have fun and I will see you in-game! My in-game username is limitzcash. EDIT: The main domain has changed. The original domain (codelinkv2.com) had expired, and I couldn't get in touch with the original owner to renew it in time. So I had buy a new domain, its the same domain, just ".net" (codelinkv2.net), instead of ".com". This edit was to edit the main domain URL.
  4. The link to the script is dead. Can you please upload the script? I would like to try it out on my servers.
  5. The best way to prevent a DDoS attack on your site, is if you have physical access to the servers hardware. There is always a way around software, and any software will be limited. If the attack is strong enough, the best Anti-DDoS Software in the world wont help you. But if you have physical access to the servers, when the attack starts, you can disable the internet connection to the servers, or disable all incoming connections, until you switch to an unused IP, or until the attack stops. So the attack doesn't cause major damage and downtime. Actually, thats one of the main reasons why I built my own small server farm and network.
  6. If you need Web Hosting space until you find a decent host, let me know. I have my own small server farm, the only thing I pay for is Internet and Electricity, and I have that covered so you don't need to worry about payment at all. Send me a message if you need temporary hosting. If it turns out that you like my servers and want to stay, then we can talk about a more permanent basis.
  7. I have been running forums, and building them for clients for many many years. And this is what I have learned... If I were you, I wouldn't start a Gaming forum. There are millions of gaming sites/forums already out there, and the chances of your gaming forum being succesful is very, very slim. If you still want to start a gaming forum, you have to do double the work, you have to work harder then all the other people with gaming forums, because you have to make your forum very unique and very original. You have to stay up-to-date with all the news and updates. Such as, when a very important update has been released, you have to post it on your forum within about an hour, and also post your point of view about the update, and maybe a review. If you don't work harder then your competition, or don't make your site feel or look original/unique, then your "Gaming" forum will not succeed. First thing I would do with any new Forum, is buy a custom style/theme. A custom style/theme is a theme that no one else has, its built from the ground up just for your forum. That is the first step of making your forum original/unique, and having it stand out from your competition. But like I said, I wouldn't start a gaming forum, there are just so many gaming forums out there. Actually, when most people want to start their first forum, most of the time they make a "Gaming Forum". Thats why there are just so many of them already. If you need help with anything, with the forum or the server your forum is running on, let me know. I am always willing to help. Also, if you cannot contact me on WebFlake, message me on Steam. SteamID: TheTechGenius.Net Good Luck with your forum!
  8. Actually PhpBB is "updated", the developer's are always updating PhpBB, they are even releasing a new version of PhpBB soon. I think it's PhpBB4 or something like that. I believe PhpBB4 is in the Alpha or Beta stage right now, but I could be wrong. But your right, PhpBB lacks features and a lot of other things. But besides MyBB, PhpBB is the next best free forum software out there. That's my opinion anyway.
  9. I am curious to see just how fast some forum web sites are, and how well people are optimizing their site files. You can go here to test your website speed: http://tools.pingdom.com Screenshot your result, and post/upload the screenshot in your reply. Here is the result of my website running vBulletin 4 (Paid License): This is my main site, and its not running through a CDN such as Cloudflare. But it is running on Google Page Speed for IIS7 (Windows Server 2008R2), and A LOT of custom optimizations by me, including my own IMG Cache System. So when a user posts an image from another site (e.g. imageshack.us), the system stores/caches that image into the filesystem, and displays the local cache image in the user post, and not the offsite image. Thats just one of the many optimizations I have done to my site. If anyone needs any help with optimizing their website load speed, please let me know. I am always willing to help out any way I can.
  10. I would change and add a few things. First, why would he choose a "K" series CPU without a decent cooler? I recommend a decent Water Cooling Unit for a "K" series CPU, because the K series is an Unclocked CPU for Overclocking. You will need a decent CPU cooler if you are going to be overclocking. Of your not going to be overclocking, then why choose a "K" series CPU at all? Second, please dont get an PNY SSD. Go with a Samsung SSD, such as the Samsung 840 Pro. As for Hard Drives go, its more of a personal preference and what you have the best experiences with. Me personally, for hard drives I go with Western Digital all the time. When I build my gaming Rigs, if I am going to be using RAID, I also grab a dedicated RAID Card, and Western Digital RED Hard Drives. The WD RED's are built and tested for RAID Arrays, thats where they really shine. However, if your not going to be using RAID, go with a cheaper and faster Western Digital Hard Drive. As for the GPU(s), why do you need x2 780 Ti's 3GB ? What are you going to be doing on the PC that you need that much GPU power? There is nothing wrong with having that much horsepower, but i am saying, if you dont need that much, you really dont need to spend all that money on dual 780 Ti's. I can see if you were getting dual 660's or 770's, but there isnt much that a single 780 can't do, that dual 780s can. However, if you really want to spend the extra money on Dual 780's, and really don't care about the price, then go for it. I would. (Actually, I have. I got a rig with dual 780 Ti's too. But its built for 4K gaming, and Nvidia Surround).
  11. Huh?? Does anyone understand this, I'm curious. lol. I mean its english, but it still doesn't make any sense. .
  12. Thats what I do too, just on Windows. With the command: cd C:pathtoMySql Serverbin mysqldump -u root -prootpass databasename > C:backupsavepathdatabasename.%date:~10,4%%date:~7,2%%date:~4,2%.sql I put that code in a batch file, and have Task Scheduler run the batch file once a day. That command is just to backup a single database, I have it set to backup my Live Site Database. All my other databases are for testing purposes only, so there is no need to backup all of them, it would be wasting space, time and resources.
  13. The best way to backup your databases is with the mysqldump command terminal, or CMD for windows. If you want to Automate your database backups, you can use mysqldump with a Cron Job, or as a scheduled task on windows. I use it on windows server 2008R2, I made a batch file that backs up the databases I want, and set that batch file to run with a scheduled task once a day.
  14. I'm not really interested in being a full time member, staff, or supporter, but I can help you if you need help or advice with anything. The reason why I can do it full time is because I'm really busy with running my own sites, and I also own my own beast dedicated servers. So I manage my own servers, troubleshoot problems on my own and everything. Managing a server rack of this scale is a full time job by itself. But let me know if you need help. PM me for my contact info.
  15. 90 downloads

    This is a custom HTML/HTM/CSS/Javascript 403 Forbidden Error Page. It has a javascript file for the Red Blinking Glow around "403", and its own CSS file. I ripped this from insanelyi.com. I just came across the Error Page, and I thought it was a really cool 403 Page, so I decided to rip it, and upload it to WebFlake. Enjoy!!
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