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  1. ok, lets say i got the table working with jQuery. http://handycrafts.site/replica.php Now how can i integrate it with Pages application?
  2. I have already seen a tracker tutorial, its different. I need help in designing a table with a filter.
  3. Hey Folks. i hope you are doing well. I am looking for someone who can design me this similar page as shown in example websites: https://www.invitescene.com/tracker-index/ http://torrentinvites.org/trackerlist.php for example, tabs All, A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Selecting each tab would essentially filter the table based on a certain criteria. The "All" tab would show everything. Looking for quick work. Will pay you good. You can copy the same table from one of the above sites and integrate it with filters Thanks
  4. Hey Folks. i hope you are doing well. I am interested in making a index table with filter as shown in these example websites: https://www.invitescene.com/tracker-index/ http://torrentinvites.org/trackerlist.php I have a large DataTable that looks great - but I need to break down this large table into sections (tabs). So for example, tabs All, A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Selecting each tab would essentially filter the table based on a certain criteria. The "All" tab would show everything. Is there a way to do this? Your kind support is highly appreciated.
  5. i just bought it. Really excited to play it today
  6. i always prefer darker themes because of easy visibility of text and menus.
  7. Welcome dude, hope you'll have wonderful time here.
  8. 0day

    Apple or Samsung

    Apple all the way. Value and price won't go down overtime.
  9. Hey James, welcome to WebFlake, i hope you will get everything you want here. Also try to share some of the stuff you got.
  10. Welcome Aboard dude
  11. @Lady C You have my PM. @Killl Wow Thanks. Everyone will benefit with your share. @Lady C Ignore my PM as Killl will share with us
  12. +1 Willing to share $5 in the total cost. PM me who want this app. @shadow.mask we already done deal in past. So i guess you know me well.
  13. I got that app. Moderators can close this thread and consider transaction completed.
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