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Tasty last won the day on July 4 2015

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  1. Why are you using such an outdated version in the first place.
  2. You do web design and can't make your own logo?
  3. Tasty

    Windows 10

    Telemetry still can not be turned off fully, anti virus neither.
  4. Tasty

    Windows 10

    Mac OSX is far superior in my opinion, as both a OS X and Windows user, I feel that Mac OS X is much easier to use and aesthetically more pleasing. Before people say about customisation... you really don't need to customise every single feature under the sun. Security over customisation. Sorry to burst your bubble but the only thing Mac OS has going for it is the optimisation for the hardware that Apple dictates. Mac OS is so far from a secure OS, I would even go as far as saying it is less secure than Windows. You want a secure OS you will either have to create your own or really up your game and use a Linux distro. Ite... From the past 3 years here are some statistics (This is from downloading a hell of a lot of torrents, zips and rars from untrustworthy sources and both professional and casual downloads). Windows Viruses = More than 5, 1 resulting in reinstallation. Mac OS X Viruses = Less than 2, 0 resulting in reinstallation. This is from using both in the same way, laptop for when I am not at home. I know Linux is the more secure OS however I would say Mac OS X is most practical for my area of desire. Not once have I contemplated getting rid of my iMac for a Windows Desktop - it runs exactly how I need it with minimal Viruses. Viruses = Malware, Trojans, Adware, etc. Acquiring malware is not a fault of the operating system but of the operator. 5 years of heavy torrenting on Windows and 0 (yes 0, believe it or no) infections. If you want to talk about security of an OS generally we should talk about flaws in the code and 0 day exploits and not purposely written code to exploit users stupidity.
  5. Tasty

    Windows 10

    Mac OSX is far superior in my opinion, as both a OS X and Windows user, I feel that Mac OS X is much easier to use and aesthetically more pleasing. Before people say about customisation... you really don't need to customise every single feature under the sun. Security over customisation. Sorry to burst your bubble but the only thing Mac OS has going for it is the optimisation for the hardware that Apple dictates. Mac OS is so far from a secure OS, I would even go as far as saying it is less secure than Windows. You want a secure OS you will either have to create your own or really up your game and use a Linux distro.
  6. Tasty

    Windows 10

    It is and unless there are ways to get rid of all that I won't upgrade to 10.
  7. Tasty

    Windows 10

    8.1 is really good actually. The RAM handling is so much better than in 8 and 7. Also Windows 10, except for DX 12, is almost the same speed for gaming applications. My problem with Windows 10 is this:
  8. You should look into optimising your databases and website setup instead of moving servers first.
  9. I can't read the text because the edit sign is blocking my view :X
    Every forum with over 1.000 members needs this! Period! Glad this got converted so fast.
  10. ​Amen. I don't really want to have corn syrup in everything I touch.
  11. Version 1.0.2


    About This FileRestore a feature from IP.Board 3 that allows users to define their own media tags. 1. If oembed is supported, please add custom oembed services. 2. If oembed is not supported, you can add you own media tag to replace the url to the format you would like. 3. Members without HTML Post permission will fail to save the content, as HTMLPurifier will clean all illeagal HTML contents. As a matter of this, you will have to define allowedIFrameBases, and also have to use iframe in media tag replacement. For example(alreadly supported by IPS), Youtube supports oembed, so you can add it to oembed services as below URL Scheme: youtube.com API Endpoint: https://www.youtube.com/oembed And as returned html by youtube oembed is like <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/..." ...>You also have to add "www.youtube.com/embed/" to allowedIFrameBases. What's New in Version 1.0.2 Released 20 June Can define what type(video, photo, rich) the media tag is; Added supports for OEmbed supports; Ability to configure Allowed IFrame Bases;
  12. Chrome Canary. Just an overall better experience than regular Chrome. Also more resource friendly.
  13. ​Yes, however it does not fully function yet, some areas are uncovered. But it works great for the major things.
  14. Tasty

    Question Signatures

    ​You are in fact wrong. Signatures still exist in 4.x but are disable by default after the installation. Proof:
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