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Salazar last won the day on May 3 2017

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  1. Yes, I clicked on Something Isn’t Working but nothing was resolved. Is there any way to update the default theme? It was an update error. I have seen in the logs and it looks like the update has not been completed, but the forum is working normally. The problem is these functions are bugging. Is there a way to update the forum again?
  2. after upgrading 4.3, I have been getting this error when I click PROMOTE a topic . [[Template core/front/promote/promoteDialogTemplate is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] The error is present in all themes, including Default theme.
  3. find and remove: {{if !member.members_disable_pm AND !$user->member()->members_disable_pm AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'messaging' ) )}} <br> <a href='{url="app=core&module=messaging&controller=messenger&do=compose&to={$user->member()->member_id}" seoTemplate="messenger_compose"}' data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="compose_new"}' data-ipsDialog-forceReload data-ipsDialog-remoteSubmit data-ipsDialog-flashMessage="{lang="message_sent"}"><i class='fa fa-envelope'></i> {lang="message_send"}</a> {{endif}}
  4. In some languages there is this problem in mobile, where the date of the last post in the index and forums is displayed as %d min, %d hours and %d days This can happen if you are using the Brazilian Portuguese language or if you are using a language of 4.1 in 4.2. The solution is simple. Go to: ACP > Localization > Languages In your language, click at button "Translate"... Then click the gear icon next to the search bar. Several language search options will appear. The first one is "Key" and that's where you should put the keys of the dates of the last post on mobile of the language to be able to find them. After searching for the key, you'll probably find a result that looks like this: You should then copy the content that is next to it from the English language to the language you are translating. You should do this same process with all the date keys. The keys are: f_minutes_short f_hours_short f_days_short If I find another key I will update the tutorial.
  5. The easiest way (and if you're familiar with PHP) is to create custom blocks yourself. If in the plugin settings there is no way to choose which groups will appear in the list, then this is a problem with the plugin .. You can then use the standard IPB blocks. The Members block (System> Members), choose the groups that will appear, choose the Currently Online option and the Sort by Last Activity option. He will make a staff online, but will show with the delay of 5 minutes and will disappear when no one is online, as it should be.
  6. As far as I know, any blocks in IPB 4 disappear when there is nothing to show. For example, the Members block, if you choose to show in the block the users who have been active in the last 5 minutes it will display. But if there is no user online 5 minutes ago the block will disappear. And it has a delay of 5 minutes to appear because the blocks are stored by cache.
  7. Thanks Davlin There really needs to be a differential. I will meet with other administrators about this. Competitions is a good idea, Captain American Great observation. I'll look at every possible forum on the subject and try to find ways to bring unique things. A question for all: Do you think it is valid to limit the number of topics that visitors can see? So he will have to register to see the content.
  8. It's a forum about music, television, movies, series and chat.
  9. I've tried so many things already. Disclose on social networks, post with multiple accounts, fill the content forum and nothing seems to attract visitors to register. I have installed plugins that redirect the guests to the registration page and nothing. The forum reaches 500 daily visits but no registration. How to make a forum successful?
  10. Congrats Saviour and Cookie Monster
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