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  1. @Rekoboy, oh yes indeed!
  2. ... And another one bites the dust!
  3. Google Chrome, and occasionally Mozzila Firefox and Safari.
  4. I've worked with only two forum softwares - IPB and Xenforo. I enjoy both, however, IPB is simply creates smoother and cleaner than Xenforo does.
  5. Awesome post, very informative! Perviously, a friend went with One.com on their free 1 year domain/hosting deal - you get what you pay for. They obviously were not on the fastest servers, etc.
  6. I believe One.com changed this deal. It used to be 1 year free, then at one point it was 3 months free, and now it is a regular monthly plan. Really cheap prices at this current time: However, each of the plans come with a free domain for 1 year. Decent deal. Cheers! While getting a free domain is not a great idea if you are aiming to look professional, it is secure depending on the domain registrar and host.
  7. Hey There, Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay. :)
  8. Hey, Awesome post! The following sites are also good for strong and secure password generation. http://janyksteenbeek.nl/tools/passgen https://identitysafe.norton.com/password-generator https://lastpass.com/generatepassword.php In addition, if you have LastPass/or 1Password - they both have strong password generators built in. Cheers!
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