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Everything posted by Demon123

    thank you work a treat on IP.Board 3.4.6
  1. yep done this and i di not have this You can do this by removing everything in the registerCoppaStart template under registration screen branch. in template
  2. <img src="http://xxxxxcom/forum/public/style_extra/team_icons" alt="" /><span style='color:red;'> ilke this but not working
  3. Help please on signup in the fraggs-românia theme i want to remove this please below ive put the date of birth on and the above to not work from the start so i put a new one on from here working a treat now i need to remove the above from signup page help
  4. icons nest to user class if any one can help Administrators | Elite | Moderators | Members
  5. im looking for a mod tool so Moderators can ban users from posting forums IP.Board 3.4.6 if any one can help me please on this one
  6. Demon123


     where can i get some from ?
  7. Demon123


    theres no game in this ?
  8. Demon123


    nice theme but it not looking like it is above blocks download page and using 346 too with shoutbox download addones
  9. thax man works on IP.Board 3.4.6
  10. thank you working a treat on IP.Board 3.4.6
  11. Version IPB_Skin v3.4.6


    IPB_Skin [Diablo 3 Vanguard] v3.4.6 very nice skin edit the social_media look and feel social_media your theme name what you want to call it social_media[code=auto:0] <!-- ::: SOCIAL MEDIA by codegame.net ::: --> <!-- OFF SOCIAL MEDIA <li id='social' class='google right'> <a href="[your social url]" data-tooltip="Google" alt='Google'><span> </span></a> </li> <li id='social' class='hi-5 right'> <a href="[your social url]" data-tooltip="Hi5" alt='Hi5'><span> </span></a> </li> <li id='social' class='flickr right'> <a href="[your social url]" data-tooltip="Flickr" alt='Flickr'><span> </span></a> </li> <li id='social' class='meneame right'> <a href="[your social url]" data-tooltip="Meneame" alt='Meneame'><span> </span></a> </li> <li id='social' class='linkedin right'> <a href="[your social url]" data-tooltip="Linkedin" alt='Linkedin'><span> </span></a> </li> <li id='social' class='myspace right'> <a href="[your social url]" data-tooltip="MySpace" alt='MySpace'><span> </span></a> </li> <li id='social' class='youtube right'> <a href="[your social url]" data-tooltip="YouTube" alt='YouTube'><span> </span></a> </li> <li id='social' class='stumbleupon right'> <a href="[your social url]" data-tooltip="Stumbleupon" alt='Stumbleupon'><span> </span></a> </li> <li id='social' class='netvibes right'> <a href="[your social url]" data-tooltip="Netvibes" alt='Netvibes'><span> </span></a> </li> <li id='social' class='picasa right'> <a href="[your social url]" data-tooltip="Picasa" alt='Picasa'><span> </span></a> </li> --> <li id='social' class='facebook right'> <a href="https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/v2.2?locale=en_GB/" data-tooltip="Facebook" alt='Facebook'><span> </span></a> </li> <li id='social' class='twitter right'> <a href="https://twitter.com/" data-tooltip="Twitter" alt='Twitter'><span> </span></a> </li> <!-- ::: END SOCIAL MEDIA ::: --> [/code]
  12. Then create a new Custom Sidebar Block with the following data: Name: Active Users Enabled : Yes Hide From Main Custom Block: Depends on where you want it Full Image Name: user.png (or whatever you wish as long as it is in the proper directory and your reference it) Enable RAW HTML/JS mode: No Enable PHP Mode: Yes Use Table/Border/Title/Image?: Yes Remove Ability for User to Collapse Block? Up to you   ?
  13. im using 3.4.6 would u go into more depth how too set this up can not see (create a new Custom Sidebar Block)
  14. hello nice place this is
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