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  1. thanks for your help, it was outdated version, works fine now
  2. so what's up guys, i'm Rose, i have ipb forum for about year or so. I'm browsing webflake since then, but i used my friends account, so now in order to be able to send messages a have to make 15 posts, hhh, making me nervous, anyone, helou
  3. So i just installed this hook, Total Time spent on forums, i had it before, when i had ipb forum, back then there was no problems. But now, when i installed it, i get this Fatal error: Access level to ssoPublicSessions::$_userAgent must be protected (as in class publicSessions) or weaker in /home/axcsnet1/public_html/forum/admin/sources/classes/session/ssoPublicSessions.php on line 1581 I'd be grateful if someone could help me
  4. Username: Rose First Name: Haris Age: 17 Rate your English out of 10: 9/10 Additional languages spoken: Slavenian languages (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian etc.) Software specialization: IPB IPB skills: 8/10. Great in handling and managing apllications, hooks, fixing minor issues. XenForo skills: / vBulletin skills: / WordPress skills: / HTML / CSS skills: HTML 6/10, CSS / Other qualifications: Big IPB resources and knowledge in that area What can you bring to the team? I could be useful in helping members from Eastern Europe, Balcan area for example. Very patient with people and willing to help. I'm the owner of the gaming community and we're using IPB Forum Software, so i have some experience. No matter how old (or young) I am, I assure you I'm very serious and not childish.
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