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About Sharpienero

  • Birthday January 29

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  1. Last bump, then I'll stop looking for this answer here.
  2. Hey everyone, We are currently using a plugin that links steam profiles, but every-time we update our suite, we have to go into a file and change a line. I was wondering if it was possible to simply create a hook/plugin that changed it for us instead of having to do it manually. Any ideas as to how it's done? The file I'm talking about is system/Member/Member.php and the line we have to change is: $this->profileFields[ 'core_pfieldgroups_' . $group ] = str_replace( '{member_id}', $this->member_id, $fields ); Which we change to: $this->profileFields[ 'core_pfieldgroups_' . $group ] = str_replace( array('{member_id}','{steam_id}'),array($this->member_id, $this->steamid), $fields );
  3. Your theme is outdated. Try going to: core.front.modcp.warnHovercard and change: <a href="{$warning->url('acknowledge')}" ... to <a href="{$warning->url('acknowledge')->csrf()}" ...
  4. There is a feature built into IPS 4.0. It's under Posting as "concurrent posts". Set the time to x amount of minutes.
  5. Hey everyone, I've had this problem with animate for a while, and I've been unable to resolve it. On user profile statuses, a +1 (or thumbs up) looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/BzAgmPl.png Does anyone have a solution? Thanks.
  6. Sharpienero

    Feedback User Awards

    Do you plan on releasing the system?
  7. Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay here.
  8. If you plan on using IPS support, they will tell you to remove any files before assisting you.
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