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  1. IPB anytime, basically because of all the time and effort that the developers have spent on adding new features these last few years.
  2. River

    The Expanse

    Love this show... can't wait until it comes back for season 4. The next season will be pretty interesting now now that the rings have opened. Big thank-you to Amazon for taking this over!
  3. River

    New pc

    There are different types of gaming.... from Tetiris to Battlefield 5, and depending on the type of games you have in mind will determine the hardware which you will need. Most important is your graphics card choice, do you normally use AMD or Intel as that these choices will determine the rest of your computer.
  4. I would personally use Invision for my forum needs, but if you want to doing articles and game reviews I would suggest WordPress or Joomla as IPS Pages is PITA to setup and maintain.
  5. I only upvoted you because of your avatar I bought Avast and Malwarebytes.... turned off windows firewall and defender.
  6. River

    IOS or Android?

    Android with root enabled....
  7. My personal choice would be Centos over Ubunti, as this is all we have used for running our servers. I would honestly be so lost if I switched to another OS now. ?
  8. I find this quite ironic, considering that this website and forum is build on taking others peoples work and making them available to the public for free. I know many sites which allow downloads for free, but do not chastise their users for not making a 'valuable contribution' to their forums. If you want people to post, use a carrot and not a stick.
  9. Just because I do not post, should not make you automatically assume that I am an inactive user. If I do not post, it means that I have nothing valuable to add to the conversations which are taking place on the forum. I have always tended to be more of a lurker on most forms which I visit anyway, so I would ask that you revise who you class as inactive please, as opposed to someone who hardly signs in.
  10. Hi. You need to up the limit for media links like youtube etc. Login in to your admin, click on System Settings > Manage Settings > Forums > Topics, Posts and Polls. Right at the very last option, 'Maximum number of media files per post', set this as you wish. River
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