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  1. Thank you for the reply, there is custom emoticons set up, but recent still don't work, so i think the problem is different, tried to get help in the original developer's forum, but no good, no reply till now.
  2. Hello everyone, I need some help, regarding 2 plugins. First is there anywhere a plugin to when a user is log in, force them to change their password, second one, is regarding the BIM43 chatbox, Recent emojis aren't working in any of the versions of the plugin, maybe someone has encountered this problem before, and found a fix? Thank you. P.S sorry, seems like i have posted this in a wrong forum
  3. I am pretty sure there is a limit, webflake has changed in the past year or two, so don't be surprised, Ik there is 5 download limit per day, so that could be it.
  4. Thanks, i was looking for new hosting services
  5. Not my code ;) Only graphic by me ;) . Also the buyer dont wanted responsive because he refused pay more
  6. Tell what you think ;) Status : SOLD also design already coded : http://csgaming.lt/ CONTACT : skype : sleder.lt e-mail: [email protected]
  7. Thx for advice anymore opinions about this design?
  8. Contact: skype : sleder.lt e-mail : [email protected] Waiting for critic.
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