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Everything posted by SquirrelNuts

  1. This is what I was looking for. Couldn't find a way to clear the cache. Thanks mate, appreciate it. It worked :)
  2. Hello everyone. This has got me baffled. I have just moved our forum from a folder to the root and changed 'base_url' => 'to the new directory',but the icons are missing? (the font awesome icons). Anyone able to shed some light on this? Thank you. Version 4.1.2
  3. Have you tried adding the full link? <?php include 'http://yourwebsite.com/ipbwi/examples/member_login.php'; ?>
  4. Even if you wanted a wordpress theme, you would need to take your PSD to HTML / CSS then take your index and style sheet and make it in to a Wordpress Theme. No decent IPB > Wordpress bridges yet, as far as I'm aware.
  5. Namecheap - you can get a .com domain for $10. That's yours for a year.
  6. IPB for me. vBulletin used to be my go to software but since IPB 3 I've always used that.
  7. I like it. I tried picking something that shouldn't be there or doesn't look right, but I couldn't. Nice work dude.
  8. I'm no wizard but it looks like it's looking for : .../uploads/profile/photo-7388.jpg I could be wrong. Either see if that file is there or out another image there under the same format and the same name and try running again. Worth a shot.
  9. I loved that movie. Take the haunted party out and that's the devices we need in our homes with network ability :) Like you said they are on the right track, but it's still got a lot of improvements to go yet.
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