Hello everyone. This has got me baffled. I have just moved our forum from a folder to the root and changed 'base_url' => 'to the new directory',but the icons are missing? (the font awesome icons). Anyone able to shed some light on this? Thank you. Version 4.1.2
Even if you wanted a wordpress theme, you would need to take your PSD to HTML / CSS then take your index and style sheet and make it in to a Wordpress Theme. No decent IPB > Wordpress bridges yet, as far as I'm aware.
I'm no wizard but it looks like it's looking for : .../uploads/profile/photo-7388.jpg I could be wrong. Either see if that file is there or out another image there under the same format and the same name and try running again. Worth a shot.
I loved that movie. Take the haunted party out and that's the devices we need in our homes with network ability :) Like you said they are on the right track, but it's still got a lot of improvements to go yet.