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  1. none, say no to diabetes ?
  2. If you are looking for a paid one go for Kaspersky or Bitdefender. BD had a 75% off offer few days ago, not sure if its still going. For Kaspersky you can buy cheap keys from ebay.
  3. Welcome to the community, enjoy your stay
  4. Yes, Kaspersky and Bitdefender. im kinda paranoid when it comes to security of my PC so i always buy an antivrus to keep it safe.
  5. cant you just set the chatbox permissions to staff only?
  6. Ubuntu for desktop and CentOs7 for server. used to have ubuntu for server aswell but my new control panel doesnt support ubuntu
  7. Windows, because you cant game on mac
  8. Planning on getting a cat, but its hard to find a good breed out here.
  9. GTA V because great story and way better multiplayer compared to watch dogs 2
  10. nvm, i found out how to do it, .ipsDataItem_title > a { color:#ffffff; }
  11. Hello Can someone please tell me how to change Topic Title Color in IPB 4.x, i have tried everything method i could think of including changing the css class .ipsDataItem_title but none of the method i tried worked. i would be really grateful if someone could help me out with this. btw im using Dimension skin. Thank you
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