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About MoonShine

  • Birthday 10/08/1992

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  1. Yeah, I uninstalled and reinstalled twice.
  2. I don't believe cloudflare is the issue. I assume it has something to do with the theme, just no idea how to solve it.
  3. I'll also add that the flags show up within the ACP.
  4. Cleared the cache with the website, but the flags are still not showing up. Like I said, I'm quite sure it has something to do with the ipsFlag class being bugged, or maybe it is a big within the current theme.
  5. I've installed https://webflake.sx/files/file/5737-members-country/ and I'm having a problem with the flags not showing up. My version is 4.4, and the plugin works perfectly, other than the flags being blank. I assume it has to do with ipsFlag class not properly being in the CSS. No idea how to fix it, so I'm hoping somebody has had the same problem and has a solution. Thanks!
  6. Some of these designs might seem random, and that's because they are. Some were for communities in the past, some are just to show off skill.
  7. Pretty nice. Not a huge fan of that blue colour, but nice nonetheless.
  8. Looks pretty good. I like the icons the most, but like said above, a little bit of colour might be nice.
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