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  1. TornSoul


    Ugh, I got suckered into GoDaddy. Back when I joined, things weren't too bad. Now, I host my website and files on GoDaddy, and have to use an entirely different webhost for forums because GoDaddy refuses to update their php and MySQL definitions. Avoid GoDaddy like the plague.
  2. I think people are too hard on USPS. It's not like they aren't already also delivering 14 million other pieces of mail that day...lol. UPS only delivers packages. They better be able to get it done more efficiently than the USPS.
  3. I've reached the cap here more than once...lol. It's horrible. It's always at the download you really, really need.
  4. Firefox. I did give the new Opera a try. I would of had to give up a few of my favorite apps, but I was willing to because of the free VPN. But, it was very unstable. Sometimes fast, sometimes painfully slow. If they got the VPN working solid and quick with only the occasional slowdown I think I'd make a permanent switch.
  5. TornSoul

    Suggest games

    Limbo, World of Tanks, Overwatch.
  6. I think from here on out it's up to the family. I know right now several actors have been getting digitally scanned from head-to-toe, and recording their voice, so in the future if there is a part they are too old to play, or they have passed on, their family can decide to allow them to be used in movies, games etc. If his family feels like it would do him honor to be in the next in a limited way, most fans would support their decision. It's nobody's choice but theirs. Not sure how they would do it though.
  7. I just installed Win10, can't stand it. Wish I had Win7 back. But, I'm not going to go back, then eventually be forced back again.
  8. General Tso's Chicken. They call it Chinese food, but they don't make it in China at all. It's an American dish.
  9. Just saying what's up from another flake.
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