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  1. Won't touch Apple stuff, Just don't agree with the way they do things. so Android every day of the week!
  2. It's been a long time since i used VB and from what i've seen it's not gone anywhere in a few years. I use IPB myself and if you want to dive in deep you can do a lot more customization than is first apparent. IPB is definitely the way to go i think Particularly for a gaming community
  3. DIscord has killed off Teamspeak to be honest, i was a hardcore TS fan took me a while to jump on discord but now its just too convenient to stick in discord. Although TS does have its uses still and for places that want / need more direct control to host i would still prefer to use it. Just need a better Licensing system for it
  4. IPB , although if i was going to go very deep into customizing i'd probably give mybb a whirl.
  5. I was hoping BF5 would be a graphics update of 1942, but sadly its an arcade like mess. Bring back 1942!
  6. Apart from the "star" they are completely different! besides it should be "The Orville"
    Loved this theme on IPB 3, does anybody have the 4.3.x version available?
  7. franky500

    IPB 4 or 3

    I've gotten used to IPS 4 now but i really liked ipb3 but with it being dated now its hard to justify staying with 3 for any reason as anything you did in 3 can be done in 4 (although sometimes you need to get creative to make it work). I keep wanting to give Xenforo a chance but i also don't like their layout and have not really seen any customized examples that make me think i can turn it into something i / my communities would like. so IPS4 it is.
  8. pubg for me, fortnite is too cartoony for my liking, and as a free game it seems strange to me that people spend so much on in game purchases.
  9. For a client desktop, Ubuntu. But for anything acting as a server, Centos
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