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Ahura Mazda

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  1. Hello everyone! First of all I would like to thank the readers and also those who can take away my doubt. A few years ago, in the middle of 2013 ~ 2015 I've been working in a gamer community as a place where we could get together, my friends and their friends... The community was never more than an entry site and one facebook page. This year I would like to finally build the community using a forum system to bring all this people together. Currently we would need a space to allocate an average of two to three thousand members, with an estimated 600 online daily. I would like to know if the IPB would account for keeping this number of users with a monthly maintenance carried out by an initial team of five members. Which version would you recommend, the most current or any of the above, and what hosting would you recommend for a community of this size, a vps, cloud or normal web hosting? Thanks for your atenction in see my topic.
  2. Sorry for bringing this discussion back to the top most I liked the initial topic and would like to give my opinion. Anyway ... I think it all depends on the situation you are dealing with. Taking into consideration the type of community you are working with. If it is a more formal community, I think a clearer and cleaner theme should be used so that members do not have difficulty finding what they are looking for, with a darker theme with a slight touch of clarity, so based on the most current themes windows as the fluent design. In case it is a more specific community and oriented to games or subjects of the genre being able to have a greater freedom on the specific type of the subject. I try to use clear themes, more always taking into account the reasons I quoted above.
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