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Average Sam

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Average Sam last won the day on June 2 2019

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About Average Sam

  • Birthday 10/26/1992

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  1. Is it possible to change the theme by using a simple link? Looking in the default IPS theme it's being done by the following code: <li class="ipsMenu_item"> <form action="//web.local/theme/?csrfKey=6d76e45144a958ae2137f7cc1df9ce9b" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="ref" value="aHR0cDovL25raXBzLmxvY2FsLw=="> <button type="submit" name="id" value="4" class="ipsButton ipsButton_link ipsButton_link_secondary">Default Dark </button> </form> </li> Or if anyone could share how I can make this button into a working text link, that would be great aswell.
  2. Would be nice if someone could share this - I think it's free? https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8767-s3-compatible-downloads/
  3. I can't seem to find anything online, no one asking a question or anything, or am I missing something? The only upload options I have available are; File System (wich only lets you upload files to your local server) Amazon S3 Database (unsure what this does) So it's impossible to upload files to an external server? Is there no plugin or anything available? Searching Google makes me think I'm the only one wondering this.
  4. Update, managed to configure, getting this when I try to display the widget. Edit: Nvm Im just stupid
  5. When i try to configure brilliant discord integration, after step 2 (selecting my discord server) it keeps taking me back to step 1. I use the correct IDs so no clue what the issue is.
  6. For my forum I'm trying to add a glow behind a specific category. The following works just fine, but applies to all forum categories. .lkAreaCategory.cForumRow { box-shadow: 0px 0px 13px 1px rgba(194,148,50,1); } The code bellow doesn't work at all. [data-categoryid="9"] .lkAreaCategory.cForumRow { box-shadow: 0px 0px 13px 1px rgba(194,148,50,1); }
  7. The layout doesn't look neat if you compare it to the one on Webflake (ignore the sort order, fixed the long IDs) This is for the plugin purchased from Webflake, anyone else with this issue? Did everything as described.
  8. What theme is Webflake using? And what is the plugin that automatically posts news? Or are they both custom made?
  9. Got myself the official plugin, will share later
  10. Hello, I know you can use Amazon S3 with YetiShare, but I would like to use Wasabi (much cheaper) Found some code on the original script website; but that isn't doing it (Wasabi throwing errors), I'm sure it's pretty simple, but I'm not that experienced with PHP. Anyone here got any experience or want to implement it for some $$?
  11. I'm using 4.2 without a problem (lack of applications/plugins for 4.3 at this time) what webhost are you using? Searching in mySQL DB I find 2 tables wich contain g_dohtml but none of them are columns, they are values in the column. First one is table: core_acp_search_index with column lang_key Second table is: core_sys_lang_words with column word_key So I would conclude it has something to do with a language file or something, but it seems a bit dubious to me, maybe your IPS file is damaged? Have you tried downloading a new copy and installing that?
  12. Pretty sure it's the database throwing an error, try deleting your database and create a new one with a different name
  13. The one TO_ProLeague posted, thx
  14. What discord widget is WF using? I tried a plugin and the Iframe code provided by discord but none of them give me the desired result.
  15. Could anyone grab the dutch language translation?
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