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louanbastos last won the day on October 19 2017

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  1. Hi, I have a little bug on my forum, i can't fix it. There was a bug that was not showing the subcategories on the main page of the forum, but it was working normal, just did not show the categories and posts, but when you enter the category the post was there. I put in as soon as creating a new file it would automatically create a new post in the desired area. But the bug of not showing subcategories was bothering me. So I deleted all categories and subcategories without removing them from automatic Downloads creation topic. After that I created the new forum categories and subcategories. But with that, I was unable to edit the categories of Downloads, the same that theoretically already had a topic. So I had to disable the Forum Module, edit the buggy category, because it gave OutOfRange error, so I had to disable the module, edit the category, activate again and just save. But when I link the Download category to the topic category and click the "Rebuild topic content" button nothing happens. I have tried everything and would love to fix this bug. Before you ask, yes, there are already files within the categories and I am correctly linking the categories. Can anyone help me? Please
  2. Android for Hardware and iPhone for Software
  3. louanbastos

    Pc vs Ps4

    PS4 have the best exclusives, so of course ps4!
  4. dark theme is better then light, more confortable!
  5. bf v, i bought this game and i really loving it!
  6. I used both but now i prefer iOS for security and simplicity! But if i want total control i use Android
  7. It's possible to take a RSS feed from other website and put as post in ipboard, for exemple, take a RSS from a technology website and automaticly post in my ipboard forum always when this rss feed have update! it's possible, if yes, how?
    unfortunately i got error 500, i now i can't get access to my forum anymore! :/
  8. thanks so much, works like charm!
  9. hmm, does not work well in my board :/
  10. there is an any way to create a Sticky (scroll/follow) Sidebar to Ipboard 4.3?
  11. Version 1.20


    Admin eMail: [email protected] Password: adminadmin User eMail: [email protected] Password: demodemo GamePort is a unique marketplace web application specifically designed for video games. Sell, buy or trade your favourite video games Create trade lists You can even set additional charges for every game. (Example: Trade Game X for Game Y + 10$) Unique game adding function Game is missing in the database? No problem! Just search for the missing game and hit the “Add” button. The system will fetch all informations like cover, images and more automatically! Support for over 15 platforms and digital distributors Like PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Wii U and many more! Responsive design It’s beautiful on every device! Social Login One click authentication through Steam, Twitch, Facebook, Twitter or Google. User locations based on zip / postal codes Over 60 countries supported! + Now with worldwide support Great payment system supporting PayPal and Stripe Earn money with each transaction! AJAX Comment System Blog User rating system Mail & Web Push notifications Ajax chat Live search Multilingual Frontend language switcher Easy installation Great admin panel Based on Laravel 5.4 ...and much more Make sure your server meets the following requirements: PHP 5.6.4 or later, PHP 7 highly recommended! MySQL 5 or later OpenSSL PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension GD Library MySQL Database Version 1.2 (1 April 2017) Added: Payment System including: + PayPal Payment Gateway + Variable and fixed fees + One click refund option + Transaction processing system including withdrawals Added: Comment System including: + In games, listings and articles + Likes + Replies + Spam protection Added: Blog Added: Invisible reCAPTCHA for registration Added: Geolocation API to locate user position Added: Distance to listing Added: Sitemap for listings & games Added: Notification for new messages Added: Filter functions in admin panel Minor bug fixes and improvements Version 1.1.1 (1 March 2017) Added: New location system with worldwide support Added: Image upload for listings Added: Read / sent check mark in offer chat Minor bug fixes and improvements Version 1.1 (21 February 2017) Added: Price suggestions Added: Trade suggestions Added: Advanced offer report system (with many options for the admin) Added: New releases carousel Added: Video carousel Added: Google Maps on listing overview Added: Admin can add games without the API Added: Contact form template Added: Google AdSense slots Added: Affiliate link on game overview Added: Button to mark all notifications as read Minor bug fixes and improvements Version 1.0 (30 January 2017) Initial Release
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