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Oturo last won the day on October 28 2019

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  1. yes you can get a normal license and reinstall just the ipb.. pretty easy
  2. of course it could bring your much more problems than you think.. so for this reason get a serious offshore DMCA ignored hosting provider and not go on onshore.. be careful they are outside offshore providers working with authorities
  3. Oturo


    i already answered your question and i am long time member here.. i told you i am getting everyday DMCA's so what you not understand exactly from this? your friend once he get the message he will get his service suspended and he will be asked to pay the damage fee's.. most time they leave this in purpose till they get much complains and as how much time passes they will ask the correct amount.. in this way they also scam people and its easier to go into the court.. this is all about.. there is no experience with those things you are just risking..
  4. Oturo


    you not know what you are saying.. please try to limit yourself to moderating it seems its best for you .. i not want to be rude or something but you not know how things happens.. me personally i got since many years DMCA and never had issue with my current provider because i trust them.. i made the mistake in past to buy a VPS from a "dmca ignored" provider which was only marketing through leaseweb and i had much problems.. they said me that they will stop anything if i completely remove the website which i did.. like i said in market there is 1-2 real offshore providers.. do not forget some of the admins of piratebay are already in jail and they lost everything they had.. so not say again your personal opinions or what could happen.. also piratebay was never on offhore provider but on onshore.. this was their mistake.. same like xtreamcodes recently happened.. they was in Italian and Romania servers.. if you want to use this kind of software find a provider which you trust.. like i said the oldest the better.. last couple of years some providers saying they are dmca ignored like "abelohost" or some things like this which are marketing put much people in trouble and its matter of time when they will shut off.. most they say they do work with agencies.. so be careful.. so me who gets DMCA i never had issue even when they asked me for my infos has not being given.. also my friends which use the provider i recommended never had issue.. so its up to anyone what wants to do.. using nulled software and onshore servers is the most stupid thing someone can do..
  5. Oturo


    just stop advising people to do such a things..you are a great danger seriously! you not know anything it seems
  6. Oturo


    you are advising people to buy OVH servers which is not DMCA ignored and which can take them to real legal actions.. what is wrong with you seriously? OVH was never DMCA ignored and they follow strictly US and Europe laws.. if for any case you want OVH its always better to get it from a middle man and never directly.. also OVH asks for verification like id's and a paper where you live.. imagine what happens when the ipb example ask you for the damages you used unlicensed software.. this happens a lot with many people.. read torrentfreak example..
  7. Oturo


    read my post and this is your answer..
  8. yeah looks pretty nice suspended you got suspended for abuse?
  9. Oturo


    find a serious offshore hosting provider which ignore dmca.. example undergroundprivate.com Now if you doing this on free and regular hosts in best case you will get terminated and in worst you will get a bill for the cracked software you do use like other people in past..
  10. i would say stay away from sentora go for VestaCP... directadmin and never again buy cpanel..
  11. go for undergroundprivate.com they are the oldest offshore provider in scene and they are an ISP and not resellers.. they do have Russia and Netherlands and they are DMCA ignored you can ask for a vps or dedicated servers.. their dedicated servers proven comes with dedicated ports and not shared like most other ones and the VPS's.. i won't recommend you to get cPanel anymore contact them and ask them for free license of directadmin in the price they will give you.. they are free of charge managed provider and its a must on those days.. those days its hard you trust providers.. its said much working for agencies who wants he can google it or find on google for dark web hosting forums and it will read much stories.. some of them was in newspapers lately.. those fancy one's that had some great seo and advertise everywhere in google its a trap... who knows what i say he knows.. the oldest the provider the better remember guys...
  12. if someone buys a package it needs to be a package that can fits for his needs.. i see someone saying below for undergroundprivate and he is not recommending it.. if you bought the "personal" plan and you are using much resources like for a vps why you not recommend it to others..?? sorry this prove you not know what you say.. i can say i am using them without issue.. shared hosting like every hosting is using limit resources but it would not be called shared hosting.. if you want to use much resources go for Enterprise its around 1GB RAM which i enough for new websites and small websites.. if you have questions just hit them a ticket they will answer to you they are much more than friendly and they help on everything.. they do use cloudlinux and all the newest features.. they are dmca ignored and they do provide you the best support like to me.. i started from shared hosting .. gone to VPS and now i am using my dedicated server and i not pay any sys admin but use their free managed service.. for me since i use them years they are the lasts offshore providers in scene seriously.. they could be some lets say two more and all others for me its marketing trick and they not even know what is dmca sometimes and they say they ignore it.. i do have adult website and never i got suspended by undergroundprivate.com .. i want to draw attention to everyone that they are providers they work in half of authorities and some of them its written here.. i am not going to say public the names but you can seek and better go to dark web forums for hosting and you will see things you may never believe and much marketing providers only.. recently much providers busted so not recommend things to others which you not know and just google where you read dmca ignored and think they are offshore.. the oldest the better remember.. i will give advice for cpanel too where myself i got into much fees due increase.. DO NOT BUY CPANEL anymore never.. its a waste of money.. they increased dedicated cpanel license to 45$ without reason..myself i asked the undergroundprivate provider to move to directadmin and i saved a lot of money.. they give me license of directadmin for free and they migrated everything so not buy cpanel anymore.. those guys needs to take a lesson for this silly prices they did.. myself i had trouble with directadmin and in couple of days i learned almost everything and with the help of my hosting.. its easy lightweight and you can use lot of features or if you prefer go for VestaCP which is much more light and you not need skills at all.. only ftp - filemanager and you do your work..
  13. I want to upgrade from 3.4.6 to 4.4. (nulled).. would be possible to make it one time or i need to upgrade per version..??
  14. Hello all.. i managed to removed them... For the left i done this : ACP > Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Click the drop-down menu next to your skin > select Manage Replacements. Find and delete/edit SkinLink. For the right : ACP > Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > globaltemplate Remove this {$footer_items['copyright']} thanks for everyone replied
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