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  1. When I seach something from Seach Field (standard or advanced searching) I get search result showed in this way You can see that rows are very large but I don't like this kind of view. I wish to display search results using standard view that I find, instead, for Topic Rows
  2. ok, I follow your tip but it change color of Forum Title. I wish to change singular title of topic. For example, in this picture I wish to change color only for "John Doe" and not for other topic titles. I look to DOM but I don't understand well what I need to use
  3. I have a problem viualization with an item inside a custom theme (I use FLine). This problem is showed only for FLine and not in Default theme. Problem is about div.IpsItemControls I show you with some pictures THESE ARE WRONG POSITIONS Inspecting element I see this I have no problems in Default Theme I take a look on globalTemplate but I don't understand what I need to change. Any help?
  4. Hello, I have some topics like that (I use IPB 4.4) Elohim is Topic Title Una molteplicità chiaramente e ine.... is Topic Description 1.0.1 (is a plugin that I find on Webflake) I wish to understand in what way, for example, I can change text style like color , bold-italic or font type For example in this way Elohim <-- change color Una molteplicità chiaramente e ine.... <-- change into italic -----
  5. mm..ok, Do I find "Vote this answer Up / Down" (tips) in Nexxe theme or can I find it separately also?
  6. Hello I wish to get these plugins or understand what are the names for Tips and Counters that you used
  7. I try to translate the word "members" and 'post' word when you answer a topic : I try to filter under many pages but I din't find. I try to see only 'members' but I fail Any idea about the correct key?
  8. I really have no idea. At some point it went away. I had deleted the app from facebook, but the login-in box did not go away immediately, after a few hours from my request here on the forum it disappeared.
  9. @DiaboliK.Now, for no apparent reason it disappeared. Maybe it took some time for that to happen? I have installed only 4 plugins but inside theme I didn't find sign-in function For me it solved
  10. Hello, I don't understand how to remove facebook social sign-in from board I deleted all apps from facebook and I don't have any facebook method in ACP but still I can see facebook Log-In button But from Login & Registration page I have not Facebook and you can see that I have not any APP on facebook (Tutte le app = 0) What I wrong?
  11. Hello, I try today to set up Brilliant Discord Integration 1.0.13.ì with Invision I install app and I created an application and bot in Discord, I copy and import server but I think that I have bot rules or something that deny to me to finish final set up into my invision board. I make a video to explain what is problem. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jn-xhMvTMZf8IpsIiicOV3xUH8zCcKSB/view?usp=sharing I've tried all sorts of ways but couldn't fix this configuration problem
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