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Everything posted by iluvipb

  1. Version 2.1.8


    This application will allow admins to create and manage raffles and giveaways on your board. [b]Features[/b]: [list] [*]Intregrate with IP.Nexus/PayPal, so you can sell raffles [*]Ability to create an automatic topic when the raflle is completed (admin can choose the forum, the topic author, topic title and topic (post) content) [*]Send a PM to the winner(s) of every raflle when is completed [*]Notifications when the payment is recognized and when the raffle is completed [*]Global hook inviting users to the raffle [*]FURL [*]Tabs on Admin CP raffle form [*]Added a description field on Admin CP raffle form [*]Added a "raffle page" where will display all information about the raffle, including the description [*]Added an upload field to the raffle image prizwes (Admin CP raffle form) [*]Raffle comments [*]Comments management (aprove, edit or delete) on Moderator CP [*]Raffle announcements: you can show active raffles on all or specific pages (option to members dismiss the announcements) [*]Filter per raffle type on main screen (active or completed) [*]Added countdown to the raffle deadline on main screen [*]Currency setting [*]PayPal Integration: all the payment history is logged (completed, denied, pending, etc). [*]Queued Items Integration [*]Restrict by number of posts [*]Restrict by number of reputation points/like [*]Restrict by number of participants [*]Share Links [*]Share Media (BBCode) [*]Stats on main page [*]Admin CP Dashboard notification (to warn about expired raffles) [*]RSS Feed on Active Raffles [*]Quick Navigation listing Active and Completed Raffles [*]Portal Plugin [*]Multiple prizes per raffle (1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, etc.) [*]Multiple participants per raffle (participants can buy more than one ticket per raffle to increase their odds) [*]Better Nexus integration: Admin will can choose a specific payment gateway on Raffles settings [*]Multiple purchases [*]Show/hide odds for member [/list] [b]Per Raffle/Giveaway Settings[/b]: [list] [*]Title [*]Number of items to be raffled [*]Price (if enabled IP.Nexus/PayPal setting) [*]Allow multiple participations [*]Multiple prizes: title, upload field for image, image URL and description for each prize [*]Deadline: (date/hour) to raffle ends [*]Restrictions: number of participants, posts and number of reputation points/likes [*]Groups allowed to participate [*]Show this raffle in Announcements (global hook) [*]Show this raffle in Portal (Portal app required) [/list] What's New in Version 2.1.8 ([url="http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=changelog&file=5963"]See full changelog[/url])[list] [*]fix: Updating Countdown and jQuery to latest version [*]fix: SQL error [*]notice: demo board updated [/list]
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