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  1. Thanks for the hint. I'll think of something.
  2. Looking for someone to donate for me to purchase IPB License!
  3. Still looking for a developer willing ti "Co-own" the site and just help on a project for free!
  4. It's against the rules to share my website until I've gained 20 posts on this forum. Please PM me for the link or skype me at: Itsasmileee Also, do you have experience with either coding/ipb?
  5. Hi Webflake! Just to start out, I'm not completely sure if this is either allowed or not. If I'm breaking any rules, please delete this thread right away, and cut me some slack please If I'm not breaking any rules I'll continue! I have my own IPB site, and I'm a bit tired of running back and forth between forums to look for support. I'm looking for a Developer who doesn't have a site of their own, and who would be willing to help code, develop my site and help with the software at no cost. You would be staff of course, for more information PM me here on on skype: Itsasmileee EDIT: I'm also not sure if I put this in the correct forum....Please forgive me if I've done so....
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