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About Phillip

  • Birthday 05/18/1989

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  1. Phillip

    IPB4 or IPB3

    I still prefer 3.4 over 4.x series for IPS. The look and whatnot always loved it that way.
  2. I've been using a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 for the last two years. Nothing fails for me on it.
  3. Phillip

    Mac or Windows

    I'm a windows type of person. So if you are into doing a lot aside from what windows have to offer than go with a Mac.
  4. When converting from MyBB... Path to MyBB installation. REQUIRED is what I get after trying to convert the users to the new forum...even though, the path isn't there it wants that... So my question is... Should I reinstall MyBB on the old forum and then convert it even though the avatars aren't on there anymore?
  5. Phillip

    Curve White

    The admin bar isn't added in there. That's the only thing that's not included with this style. :(
  6. Well, it's been a month since I last posted and no comments so far.
  7. My name is Phillip and I am 25 years old. I am in my second year of remission from stage 3 Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cancer. If you wanna know more, please ask away.
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