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Everything posted by Tyson

  1. The footer is awful. Why not use the one on the homepage? It will make the skin look a whole lot better
  2. he's looking for free hosting. Not cheap hosting
  3. you got to use google a litte bit more lol. I get my .com domains for under $3 every time. And Really good hosting for under $10
  4. Yea that's my problem. The skin doesn't have main_width or anything ok nvm, It worked!
  5. Hey guys. Is it possible to change the width of the forum tables but not the width of the whole skin? If not then what is the code to change the width of the skin? I tried #main_width: 86% but that didn't work
  6. piss poor as in the css is jumbled up? Because with CTRL F I couldn't give a rats ass about the css. And if that's what you're referring to then the correct term is unorganized. Not piss poor
  7. how on earth am I bragging? I'm simply telling you that I'm capable of doing not a piss poor rip in under 30 minutes. And if that's the case then I guess even saying "I'm tall" is bragging.. This is for a few of my friends that wanted to learn how to rip skins and I'm just showing WF the simple and easy way to rip a skin(my opinion)
  8. lol, I can rip the skin in under 10 minutes. I can complete the rip in under 25. And yes, I do have an odd way of doing it. If I really wanted I would rip doing inspect element.
  9. Subscribe! And any questions just post them below.
  10. Indeed so. I was think I'm messing up my skin when they're not. Then I go through scanning for hours when alls I had to do was refresh my damn page
  11. I'm sorry but this look nothing like TTG
  12. Wow 10/10? Thanks. I really appreciate it. ok huge accomplishment. Evarni just said the my skin looks GREAT Thanks btw
  13. I think The coloring and the overall design is a lot better in the V3 skin. I try to stay away from adding all the gradient like I did in v2 which you can see here - Now I want to here you all's opinion IDK if there are any in the pictures. But my pc glitches and moves things up and down sometimes. So if you see that in one of the images just know that it's my pc. Oh geez. The screenshot for the homepage is awful lol. That time, that was just google chrome's cap plugin being stupid -.-
  14. Ok thanks I'll remember that. This is only my 3rd skin
  15. Wassup guys. This skin is a remake of a old Gaming skin (XGC) this took me two days to make.
  16. Im amazed! Great work. I would actually pay for this rip as I would do so amazing edits If you could, please pm once you have finished this.
  17. I'm really sorry to bug you guys, But could you please read my pm? It involves my paying. I have also made a request topic about the subject matter but didn't get reply. So you guys are my last hope
  18. How do you change the category bar color and style? http://i1222.photobucket.com/albums/dd500/badnewz2/Screenshot2013-04-29at61954PM_zpsf5e075f0.png I know it's in the ipb styles but where?
  19. You will need this hook https://www.google.com/url?q=http://webflake.sx/files/file/185-tb-group-format/&sa=U&ei=Amg6Ud6cPKuz0QH2u4C4Bw&ved=0CAsQFjAC&client=internal-uds-cse&usg=AFQjCNG2oHdHMmOHKeK7M0eKlt2sire3Yw
  20. Yes putting a link to you site will help me a bunch
  21. Is it possible to set up a Custom ban page for banned IPB Members? Like give them a 404 error or re-direct them?
  22. There is no config file, you install hook and you're done
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