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  1. Okey so how would I do this. Could you link me to a guide? and or / help me out
  2. Hello. There's this problem where, I've abonded my old site, but now I'm all ready to get it back, I have a backup of all files and SQL files. But its a tad old. So I'm wondering. How can I use the old database to only add the old members to the new website, and to add all topics, and members. What ive done is installing a new forum new database on new domain, on new server. But I want to use my old databasse to add old users back in and aswell adding topics that was previously created. Reason I dont want to start my old forum again is because of a serious of error i have myself been adding to the site because of problems and inexperience. is this possible?
  3. Hello I'm simply wondering how i can remove the user group from the topic view for each user. I would like to keep the user group image, but to remove the text, as it's uneccesary when i have the image. thx in advance, proben
  4. Yes I rebuilt the content, but it's good now again, thanks for replies!
  5. So my forum has been down for quite a while, but recently ive decided to have it reopened. There's a problem where all my topics is wrongly formated. An example of this would be: This is how it should be [LIST=1] [*][color=#ff0000][i][u][b]This is how it should be[/b][/u][/i][/color][/*] [/LIST] This is how it appaers.
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