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Everything posted by cl45

  1. cl45

    Aurora dark skin

    looks nice thanks for share. 248
  2. Hello, and welcome to WebFlake
  3. Hello, and welcome to WebFlake
  4. Hello, and welcome to WebFlake
  5. cl45

    Hi :)

    Hello, and welcome to WebFlake
  6. hi Droid , welcome in here
  7. Hey everyone, I was a member here a long time ago but become inactive but decided to come back. my name is cl45 and i am from vienna -austria its really nice here..... donate text : After you've submit your donation, please send a PM to Phun with the transaction ID# - You will be bumped to +Donator within 48 hours. Phun if you read this I can't send you PM.. error text: Oops! Something went wrong! You do not have enough posts to send a new PM: it's required at least 15 posts. EDIT: now enough posts for sending a PM , but no reaction ...................
  8. welcome LucianDev. nice webside by the way, looks really nice
  9. wow looks great. thanks for share
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