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LucianDev last won the day on October 20 2019

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About LucianDev

  • Birthday 12/29/1991

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  1. LucianDev

    Question -200 Error

    I get same error when I try to attach an image to my post.
  2. LucianDev

    Question ERROR 500

    This is super annoying but I get this error constantly while trying to browse the website every link I click on I get this error and have to hit "Try Again" or Refresh the page like 30 times for it to finally push back the actually website. well was going to upload a screen shot but get Error 200 for that anyways the error I get is like this: An error occurred (500 Error) We're sorry, but a temporary technical error has occurred which means we cannot display this site right now. You can try again by clicking the button below, or try again later. Try again
  3. Version 1.1


    Retina Dashboard is a back-end admin panel design to be a content management user interface but with the potential to be much more – in fact any kind of web application you can think of. It has 15 pre-built templates which can get you off the ground, but with the various UI elements and widgetized design you can quickly and easily create additional templates. Features Retina ready HTML5 CSS3 jQuery implecation Responsive layout Flot graphs/charts jQuery slider Widgetized layout iPhone style checkbox Drag & drop file upload Accordion menu UI Elements Icon fonts Unique timeline view Sortable tables Custom WYSIWYG editor jQuery UI plugins
  4. LucianDev


    Awesome theme, everything works perfectly thanks for sharing!
  5. Version 1.5


    Retina Press – The brand new retina display custom theme; designed for the Wordpress admin. This Wordpress admin theme now gives you the ability to offer your customers & clients a completely new and customised dashboard, ultimately disguising the wordpress dashboard. This plugin has Multisite functionality which detects if you’re running a network. If so, then you can completely white label/brand the Wordpress admin for your customers. Wordpress 3.8 took a step closer to allowing users to customise the admin interface; but they haven’t given users quite enough freedom. With Retina Press installed you can overwrite Wordpress’ custom theme colours and pick your very own to match your brand. For additional customisation you are able to upload your own company logo to display on the Wordpress login page, which is a big deal when managing clients websites ** MODERATOR NOTE ** This file has not been updated on CodeCanyon since November 2014 and compatibility issues may arise. Attempt to use on later versions such as 5.3 at your own risk.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Inspired by WebFlakes user rank icons, I have designed my own. User Icons already made: Owner Admin Moderator Member Uploader GFX Designer PSD is included to make all the changes you will need to, to be able to make your own custom ranks to fit your community needs.
  7. Version 1.0.0


    I designed these ranks for Convivial Gaming, PSD is included to change to your needs.
  8. 9 downloads

    [color=rgb(85,85,85)][font='Helvetica Neue'][size=4]Light up your design with these awesome light effects brushes. Included 134 different light effects brushes: Lights, Sealing Lights, Disco Lights, Flares, Stars, Magic Lights, Light Bursts…[/size][/font][/color] Enhance your[list] [*]Pictures [*]Web Page [*]Design Elements [*]Print Templates [*]Wallpapers [*]Backgrounds [*]... [/list] Files Included[list] [*]3 ABR files with 134 brushes [*]3 JPG files [*]Help PDF files [/list]
  9. Left my 2 jobs and moved to another state.
  10. If you want all your files to be on the host where your .org is then you have to transfer all the files form the .cf domain to the .org domain along with the Database, then just setup the redirect from the .cf to the .org domain you don't have to change namesevers, but if you want all the files to remain on that .cf host then you have to change nameservers. If you do transfer all files form the .cf to .org make sure you setup the new URL in your site like if your hosting an IP.B or vBulletin for example, if you don't then the website still still try to direct back to your .cf domain which will be redirected back to your .org domain which faults into a loop and users wont be able to access your site like it's suppose to.
  11. It's pretty simple, all you need to do is change the name servers who host your .cf domain to the host who owns your .org domain. Most web host providers can do this for you, also most providers allow you to change the name servers yourself. This process usually takes 24-48 hours. After that is done, you need to setup a domain redirect from the .cf domain to your .org domain, again most web hosts can do this for you and most of them allow you to do this yourself. Simply ask them to setup a redirect form your .cf domain to point to your .org domain so now all your members who visit the .cf domain will automatically be redirected to your .org domain.
  12. I know this is old not sure if you still need this or not but http://codecanyon.net/item/broadcast-countdown-widget/1539525 just send me a PM if you need it, I have purchased this product a while back. I might even submit it in the Download section as well if more then just 1 person wants it. Also, I haven't tested this plugin on WP higher then 3.5
  13. That's another thing I forgot to talk about money, a lot of people now a days are trying to get websites to try and make money off them, your not gonna make money right off the bat and if you are trying to make a website just to get money off it, don't even bother I say this because you won't have passion in what your doing and it just make a low quality site. Also keep in mind, you have to spend money to make money, don't get a free host and expect to get far websites like -> www.MySite.FreeHosting.com doesn't look good, and it looks un professional then you go and try to cover it up with a DNS or .TK doesn't make a difference still isn't good. So spend the money get good hosting & a .com .org .net, etc domain.
  14. I listen to all types of music just about but I've been listen to Rae Sremmurd a lot recently. like this song:
  15. All in all, its a lot of work and you have to be dedicated. Everyone thinks as soon as they start a community, they will be popular but it takes work, and time. No matter what don't give up, post consistently, don't get discouraged. Making sure your website is as non buggy as possible, and make sure it looks professional, and stay within your niche don't try to have a huge range of things open it doesn't look good, and it will make your site look very empty.
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