8.1 is really good actually. The RAM handling is so much better than in 8 and 7. Also Windows 10, except for DX 12, is almost the same speed for gaming applications. My problem with Windows 10 is this:
most of this is already in windows 8.1 and google has been recording keystrokes in chrome since it's creation, google chrome records searches and omnibox activity to "better" search results anoymously, chromium does not...same as microsoft is asking in windows 10, at least they ask you, google doesn't, you get to opt out of most of these on windows 10 install, Microsoft Ad ID services have been in windows since windows 2000 pro, and existed in msn messenger, and now in skype. wifi sense is an app and all apps can be disabled, just because it has a ping pong app, doesn't mean i have to install it, or let my facebook friends know i have installed it, like most apps with facebook support do..a level 1 telemetry is data thats not identifiable to you, like windows has done for years, it is crash data, error data, locale, edition, etc, the same most decent software also does, you're pictures make you out to be very paranoid lol
Beaker speaks the truth.