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Everything posted by DavidPolak

  1. Hi, Facebook made somes changes, and this tutorial is not working anymore. You can't put the publish_stream option anymore.
  2. On the same template again Replace <div style="margin-top:10px;"> By <div style="margin: 0px auto; width: 50%;"> 50% would be the half of your actual size, so play with this setting to get what you want.
  3. Oops, wrong template. You can undo the stuff I told you, the correct template to edit is TopicPost_View Instead of <h3><a href='{parse url="showuser={$member['member_id']}&amp;tab=jawards" seotitle="{$member['members_seo_name']}" template="showuser" base="public"}'>{$this->lang->words['awards_title_post']}</a></h3> Replace it by <a href='{parse url="showuser={$member['member_id']}&amp;tab=jawards" seotitle="{$member['members_seo_name']}" template="showuser" base="public"}'>{$this->lang->words['awards_title_post']}</a>
  4. <span style="background: url("http://i.imgur.com/uKdG1mv.gif") repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent; color: rgb(185, 18, 27);"></span>This one is funny too.
  5. CSS > skin_jawards > profile_awards_block Change <h2 class='maintitle'>{$this->lang->words['awards_profile_view_title']}</h3> <div class="ipsBox"> <div class="ipsBox_container"> {$rows} </div> </div> To something like this {$this->lang->words['awards_profile_view_title']} <div class="ipsBox"> <div class="ipsBox_container"> {$rows} </div> </div> You can use css to change the size of your text like <font size="6"></font>
  6. You said basically everything. If you want to make a forum that's different from the others, you need ideas, and motivation. Motivation is important cause you need to fill this forum and don't expect someone to fill it. But if you want any help,i'm making forums for few years now, I can help you for whatever you want (graphics, managing, admin etc)
  7. I'm not sure I like it. To be honest, there's a lot of informations i wouldn't care about, like, your Mood, or your location. After that it probably depends on the type of forum you have maybe that's important so yeah, cool to look at tho
  8. Hi, wanna be friends? I can offer you a taco !
  9. There's also Css beautifier for those who like their css all clean :3
  10. Isn't it the same person ? luv ^^
  11. URL rewriting has to be activated in your php apache configurations httpd.conf LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so Have you tried, after activating your rewriting (and putting the .htaccess) rebuilding the fURL cache?
  12. Check your permissions ACP > Diagnostics > Support > Permissions Checker. If all green you're good ! Also, check on your FTP your upload folder chmodding (usually right click > Properties). For uploading it should be set to 777
  13. Be careful to scan the script, and also check what's inside it, just to be sure the dude isn't dishonest
  14. Well it's basically CSS, your hooks most of the time are stored on your Appearance > Edit CSS. For example the Staff Online code is stored under Board Index > mmStaffOnlineSidebarSideBarBlock And there you have a code that you can modify <h3><if test="$this->settings['sosb_icon']"><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/user.png' alt='Staff Online' /></if> If you want to use AwesomFont just replace it by the css with your icon ^^
  15. I registered from your skin everything went smoothly. My thought would be on the E-mail sending thingy, if that lags and that's slow to load, your e-mail platform isn't correctly responding (wrong configuration, a firewall blocking etc) I already had that kind of problem and swtiching my board e-mail sending from SMTP to PHP (or vice versa) solved the problem
  16. So you're creating a community without a graphist? Not your best move here, since a logo should be adaptable to all forms and contents
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