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Everything posted by DavidPolak

    Cool theme, sadly the slider and the header are waaaay too fucked up, do not even bother changing the default settings on them, it's gonna do weird shit.
  1. No, whatsapp sharing is meant to be opened with the whatsapp app. Any link called by the name of this app in a browser, will open up the app. It's the same on mobile.
  2. You have something in your ACP called Languages, when you hit on it you can TRANSLATE. If you seek the words you want to change you can modify the text.
  3. Change your url in your settings and in your conf.php, and move the files to that new folder
  4. Yah, you could do a cookie waiting, if the cookie exists then don't play the stuff. If it doesn't create it and play the animation and make it like 24hours alive. I like the design tho good work.
  5. Is that it really? And I have to say, it did worked, woah, i'm not used to that much easyness. Thanks pal
  6. Okay so I just got to IPB 4.X and i've upgraded my community, making my avatars (profile pictures) broken, there was clearly an option on 3.x to rebuild caches and stuff and can't find that on 4.x, any tips?
  7. Well. There's Dreamweaver that could do the job, but it's badly done automatically, the best way is to have someone that can do that for you, he'll code every div and design it as the psd.
  8. If you are using the forum icons plugin, there's an option that allows you to change the size, it is 32x32 by default. If you are using CSS, simply change the CSS to height: 32px !important; width: 32px !important;
  9. Look at the PHP code on that page > Look onto the variable key used > Look for it in translations
  10. Get into your SQL tables and convert them to UTF-8
  11. Probably will! I need to change some stuff and finish detailing it and i'll release it (:
  12. Yeah I guess i could just center the thing on the right with the logo and it'll kinda fill up
  13. Totally agreeing, the Trevor banner as you can see, I made it on the right because the default slider was in the middle so it was completing the whole empty space. But Filling this blank is just a matter for making a good banner ^^ Not sure, should I?
  14. So i've been working on this time for quite some time the final result is finished for quite some time, but i've been adding some details to it since; What it is basically, i've took a theme that was really cool but some parts were really ugly and i've reworked theme. There's over 500 lines of CSS to correct it and make it work, the default one doesn't work at all and you couldn't even post messages because of some bugs. Forum Index Forum View Message View And a little script for newcomers that shows a modal Any feedback? :D
  15. Change the name of the application in your apps
  16. There's no really pre-defined size for website, but i'd rather design something in 16:9 personnaly but it's a matter of taste, everything at the end goes in css and css is very tweaky
  17. That's not the right part to "ask things". And there's a lot of php scripts on the internet that actually can do what you want, just need research.
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