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Everything posted by sob

  1. how do replace myforum.com/topic/xxxxxxx be myforum.com/discussion/xxxxxxx?
  2. FlinTY :change the colour of the text global?
  3. how to change the front page only login and registration? like facebook
  4. I am very sad. because I love it but no skin solution: (
  5. how to prevent members give reputation to the topic / post itself?. only other members can provide reporting. please help me
  6. how to create a page in IPB. I want to create a page about the rule
  7. please help. and thank you for helping with
  8. see pictures here. http://postimage.org/image/mznbkz4gf/full/
  9. sidebar under if using mozilla and opera. and performing with nice chome and safari. I am confused
  10. is there any members here who wear skins curve-white? please response about this skin. whether normal zoom?
  11. I am now using IPB 3.4.2 and I want to upgrade to IPB 3.4.3.if I can use the IPS Converters (http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/4715-ips-converters/)and how to use them how?
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