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MindLess Ghost

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  1. Is there any way to make it have a personal message or something? like a little description of the site?
  2. Anyway to remove this? A test forum that may be removed at any time, That is what it shows when you type forums name into google.
  3. Hello, I recently downloaded the Chestnut theme, and I would like to make a background on it auto size to fit a screen, here is the current code I have. body { background-image: url(http://media.psu.com/media/wallpapers/14-07-25-08-43_0_destinywall1.jpg)!important; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-color: #282624; font: normal 12px OpenSans_regular, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; position: relative; } I would link my site, but it is currently sitting in offline mode.
  4. You've gotten it working yet again! Thanks again for the endless support you've been offering me cookie, you really have no idea how much I appreciate it.
  5. No go, didn't seem to work, no secondary rank drop down, and I went back into my member info and reselected all the secondaries I would like.
  6. You'll need a user name and password, if you still have my last PM you'll be able to get into the site.
  7. Yes I was aware that I needed to select the secondary groups in member ACP, and also had to put the group image in the group settings, still didn't work so uninstalled it again and reinstalled again and finally worked, only took four uninstalls and reinstalls lol, I guess I will look into how to the secondary ranks hover menu.. any hints where to start would be great!
  8. Hello, I am looking into how to do something like this http://prntscr.com/4khz1f, it is an image at the top of the post saying the staff ranking, now I know its something to do with css or html, but I am not sure how to do it.
  9. few different times, even tried downloading it from different sites. Any hints or help on making it like that websites?
  10. ipb version 3.4.6, went into the system settings, went to hooks tried enabling, and looking around in ACP for another menu of the mod and couldn't find anything. it just never appeared on the forum or in ACP other thank system settings > hooks, and of course hooks directory.
  11. God cookie, man I cannot thank you enough for all this help you've been giving me lately! Thank you so much man!
  12. http://gyazo.com/ada7c7175426f3ec69fab929bdf7c44a Hey everyone I've been trying to find this hook or something that replicates like this site has? I tried (DP32) Secondary Group Icons 2.0.0, and it didn't do it for me, I may have not set everything up right or something, cause it didn't even show secondaries.
  13. http://prntscr.com/4jug04 not 100% sure what caused this, this is the first time I've looked at the profiles in a few days and I've added and deleted a lot of stuff. none of the work has gone for the profiles though.
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