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  1. Oh I'm so sorry man! If I'd know it was causing you trouble I would have just asked you to Message it to me. But thank you for the help! I'll try it out now!
  2. LOL, it's silly but this <script type="text/javascript" src="https://panzi.github.io/Browser-Ponies/basecfg.js" id="browser-ponies-config"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="https://panzi.github.io/Browser-Ponies/browserponies.js" id="browser-ponies-script"></script><script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */ (function (cfg) {BrowserPonies.setBaseUrl(cfg.baseurl);BrowserPonies.loadConfig(BrowserPoniesBaseConfig);BrowserPonies.loadConfig(cfg);})({"baseurl":"https://panzi.github.io/Browser-Ponies/","fadeDuration":500,"volume":1,"fps":25,"speed":3,"audioEnabled":false,"dontSpeak":true,"showFps":false,"showLoadProgress":false,"speakProbability":0.1,"spawn":{"rainbow dash":1},"autostart":true}); /* ]]> */</script>
  3. Thank you for the help! I've been trying the top code you provided in our Profile Template But it just seems to be placing the code above the Header on the Front end. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Or something I need to add in order to get it to work on the Profile Template? Or maybe I'm pasting it in the wrong place? I pasted it directly below this bit of code. {{if $member->photo}} {{\IPS\Output::i()->metaTags['og:image'] = $member->photo;}} {{endif}}
  4. For everyone to see But I would love to know a way to make it where only the individual could see as well. Not what I asked about, but would be cool to know for the future.
  5. So I want to edit a specific Users Profile Page, basically add a custom script to just their Page. But I don't know how to go about that. Anyone know how I could make that happen? And not reflect on all Profile pages?
  6. 2, but it really depends on the situation.
  7. Hey Webflake Members, I have a question. I'm in the process of trying to display my websites (Custom Profile Fields) a Specific way on Forum Post. Right now they look like this and I would like them to look like this. Do any of you all know how I can get the Custom Profile Fields to display Side By Side, instead of Vertical. Thanks in advance
  8. This is great, I mean it doesn't stop Guest completely, but it easily will hinder most Guest trying to quickly Copy and Paste stuff! Thanks!
  9. Thanks for the Tutorial! I think I should go ahead and try this out.
  10. Thank you so much I am going to try this out now and get back if it works! EDIT : It worked perfectly! Thanks so much!
  11. Hello Webflake, So today I was scrolling around viewing tutorials and such when I landed on Phuns Profile. AND HE HAS PONIES!! The second I saw this I jumped. I started searching the site on how to implement it on my website, but I didn't find anything. Then I googled it and finally found a website that shows them. http://panzi.github.io/Browser-Ponies/ I read all the information on this site. However, I am still unaware on how I could add the ponies to my Profile like Mr Phun has done. Can someone explain to me how I could implement this for just one profile on my own forum? Thanks in advance
  12. For anyone having problems with enabling the Facebook logins. I may know of a solution. Over the past few days I had been messing with this in order to see if I could get it set up as well. I use to have it set up in the past on a shared IP, but when my site grew larger and I had to switch to a full VPS my login was no longer working. I asked around all the forums I could and the best answer I received was that I needed OpenSSL enabled on my server or an SSL Certificate for login authentication from another website. Now everything is up and running fine with zero errors!
  13. This Design looks awesome Katos! I understand this topic is sorta old now, but man this Design looks promising.
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