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X n a

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X n a last won the day on January 14 2015

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About X n a

  • Birthday 07/26/1996

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  1. you did great man! I would say at least 5 buys within a month of it being up for sale in the ips marketplace
  2. yea ive peeped those too. But there's wasn't like the actual index you feel me? My friend and I tried our best to make it exactly like it but it was a lot mf work so stuff we just said "F**k it" lmao. but thx
  3. Hello guys, I feel like I need some opinions because I'm liking what I'm currently making wayyyy too much lol. So please anything you see that could be changed let me know. BoardIndex https://gyazo.com/bbad06481aa6cef6fa5ea1e0ea9053d3 https://gyazo.com/e6f0c99fc640abeaba2383af9509d9c5 /////////// changed to https://gyazo.com/86cb1c7354889388b3d0f697c391c5ff https://gyazo.com/4585386a3fe05678c68d5dc98f0e5957 Topic View https://gyazo.com/5f9edab4433cf287b6b7731f7f15b8ba https://gyazo.com/5ce1c15e34dca0e153c15184215f9add Post https://gyazo.com/36913f5980a149de38855c34e51bbaa1 changed to https://gyazo.com/c09ce910a4ee7559740483b5e6d69bfc other https://gyazo.com/5a2848a780a530023897c018edc9d5de LIVE - http://auroradueling.com/
  4. i feel as tho logo could be place elsewhere or have more t it. love the bg
  5. man your good af in photoshop lol
  6. no program will help. Best thing to do is to practice changing small things with inspect element
  7. lol ok so I've finally started to finish this skin
  8. Just looks like some of your past work. Like I'm 100% certain you can do something far way better than what you currently have. I say you do like 3 versions and post and have us vote which is best or something. You're a really good IPB skinner so use all your damn potential before I have to upper cut you.
  9. Let me know what you guys think. Someone attempted to rip this skin and put it up here on wf, so ig you want to see an old broken version then search for "moddedsource" on here i think. but anyways below is a newer version of it http://gyazo.com/05f6205a73154454488a2baa8d4895eb http://gyazo.com/9d00bef9b9bfe7b5b7b40e4f5ab3b30e
  10. you might be overreacting I must say lol 0.o view the demo link then maybe it'll help your eyes..
  11. uhm here can view it with this link, not finishd yet though http://deziner.invisionzone.com/
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