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Everything posted by Stokley

  1. Thanks Lock Down, you really are my hero!
  2. Ok so he tried the code and he said he can not figure out how to get it to pull theinformation to populate the "Other Articles by Author" field. When I asked what he needed help with this is his response: I have no clue what that means.
  3. I use security questions, though my forum isn't officially open yet, so these suggestions will come in handy for me as well, thanks!
  4. I was playing GTA 5 and Saints Row but lately I've been playing AC:Black Flag on the ps3 and Elder Scrolls Online on pc
  5. Thank you so much. I've never had to rely on asking so many questions for things that seem like they should be easy to do before. I really do appreciate the help and apologize for my horrible noob questions. I feel I was greatly mislead by IPB about IP Conent and it's ease of use. It's easy if you know HTML, CSS and php I hear but I'm not strong in all of those. The guy working with me is knowledgeable in these areas, I've worked on other things with him before and he's still struggling,so, again thank you.
  6. It's running on each article page, so in IP Content, and it's just the default articles database that the information would have to be pulled from.
  7. I'm a gamer, mostly PC and PS3, haven't made the jump to the next gen consoles yet. What games do you play?
  8. Lock Down, thanks for the reply but I tried to explain to the guy working for me on this site and he said there isn't a way to pull the member ID? I know that is incorrect as I have seen it done. Is there a code example of something like this I can show him where it is pulling the Member_ID of who posted the article? Thanks again for the help.
  9. I have a developer that I hired to help me with my site but he can't figure out a couple things. I wanted 2 blocks, 1 that would pull the recent articles by the current article author and display them under the current article being viewed or on the sidebar. He said it's not possible with the side bar but I've seen it, I just can't find out how to do it. This is the block he made for the "Other Article's By Author" block but it just pulls all the recent articles, not just the ones from the author. <div class='general_box'> <h3>{$title}</h3> <ul class='hfeed'> <if test="is_array( $records ) && count( $records )"> {parse striping="feed_striping" classes="row1,row2 altrow"} <foreach loop="$records as $r"> <li class='hentry {parse striping="feed_striping"}'><a href='{$r['url']}' rel='bookmark' title='{$r['title']}'>{$r['title']}</a> <br /><span class='date'><abbr class="published" title="{parse expression="date( 'c', $r['date'] )"}">{parse date="$r['date']" format="short"}</abbr></span> <span class='desctext'>{IPSText::truncate( strip_tags($r['content']), 32 )}</span> </li> </foreach> </if> </ul> </div> <br /> The second block I wanted that he says he can't figure out how to do is a block that will show other articles with the same topic. If I have 2 articles in Health Care and 3 in Personal Care, I would like it to suggest other articles with the same tags or even categories. I have that feature on the board but he can't figure out how to get it to show for article tags or categories. Any help would be appreciated. I posted this on the main IPB forums but no help so far, I thought I'd ask here.
  10. The problem isn't in the actual article itself, it's in the listings. When I use BBCode to create the article it doesn't grab a picture to show on the page that lists all the articles. If I add a picture using he "Article Image" field it places it as a thumb in the top right of the article. I don't want it there. I use BBCode to insert pictures where I want but then I don't get an article image on the main articles page.
  11. Does anyone know how I can do this? Or know of a hook or template I can download?
  12. Both. I'd like to use the BBCode to create the articles, I think that would be the easiest way for my contributors but still have a picture show up like it does for Dr. Luis Lugo in the top picture.
  13. Here's the view on the main articles page: The top article was created with BBCode The Second with HTML Bottom using the attach picture field This is how the top article looks:
  14. It works fine for the article view when I use the BBCode but now on the category views page, where it lists the different articles, they don't have a picture associated with them in that view. Just the title and the snippet.
  15. Thanks, I'll try that. I was trying to find an easy way for my contributors to add their articles, a few of them have zero coding experience.
  16. I think the overwhelming majority is for a desktop. As many others have stated a desktop gives you more options and an easier upgrade experience. That being said, if you do LAN parties (do people play on LAN anymore?) or if you have limited space, then a high end laptop would work but you are going to pay more for the same specs that you can get with a desktop these days because it is "mobile". A completely different point of view is I use my desktop for fun stuff and find that I use my Samsung tablet with a blutooth keyboard a lot more than I used my laptop for work related things.
  17. I might not be the brightest crayon in the box but I really can't figure out how to add images to the body of my articles? It shouldn't be so difficult, right? Could someone please explain it to me like I'm 5? Ultimately, I'd like to get my articles to look like this page: http://www.bariatricpal.com/page/articles.html/_/mental-health/body-image/michelangelo-saw-the-beauty-within-r213 But currently, I'd settle just for getting the images into the body of the article full sized and centered. Thanks!
  18. That Avril Hello Kitty song trips me out... it's like a parody of a parody... Anywho I'm listening to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePXp66WfTQA F@cked Up by Life Down Here
  19. Thanks, I was looking for something like this to play around with!
  20. Please move this if it's in the wrong area. I'm working on a weight loss site and would like to have a weight loss ticker on it for members, like what they have at tickerfactory.com, to put in their signatures. I've googled and binged and even yahooed but I can't seem to find one. It could be I don't know where to look. Can anyone help me out? Point me in the right direction? I tried CodeCanyon, Hotscripts and some other sites. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
  21. I like the look, I'm mostly interested in if they made it more beginner friendly. I'm having a hard time trying to get my IP Content to look even close to what I want.
  22. Great Tutorial but I'm getting an error when I test it out. I'm signed into facebook and not signed into IPB or the ACP. I get this error:
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