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Rooney last won the day on December 11 2013

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About Rooney

  • Birthday February 22

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  1. search Random logo changer the hook is uploaded here at WF
  2. Is there anyway possible, that I't must be required to post in the support topic before downloading the file, in the Downloads System? This would be extremely amazing and I would love this
  3. Hey guys, im just wondering if there is a php function for IPB so it lets only admins do certain things. for instance if you have a stop right click java code. and you only want admins to be able to right click, couldn't you surround that java code with a php, so only admins can right click? hope you understand looking forward to a reply
  4. I know it sound's kinda stupid but we are going to be removing the downloads tab, so it isnt visible and make people post to see download in topic, to go direct to downloads file in downloads system. if you get what i mean
  5. you will need to take you're hosting nameserver, and use it on register.com for you're domain
  6. hey guys, is it possible to auto hide the link to IP.Downloads in the Support Topics? would love to know how thanks in advanced does anyone know this please?
  7. Thanks and Great appreciate for your work well done..!
  8. Now i have error "/ php not coded proper <php>$show_message = array(10,13,14,15,66,11,16,17,18,25,28,29,30,70,26,31,32,33,103,40,42,43,44,74,52,54,61,62,78,86,84); </php> <if test=" $this->registry->getCurrentApplication() == 'forums' && in_array($forum['id'], $show_message)"><div class="message error" style="font-weight:bold;"><img src="/public/style_images/velvet/rte_icons/exclamation.png"><hr> If You Would Like To Thank The Poster For This Movie Download, Please Press The "<b>Like This</b>" Button Instead Of Posting. Thanks!</div>
  9. Sorry for being a noob, here is the code sort of like WF that i am using. <div class="message error" style="font-weight:bold;"><img src="/public/style_images/velvet/rte_icons/exclamation.png"><hr> If You Would Like To Thank The Poster For This Movie Download, Please Press The "<b>Like This</b>" Button Instead Of Posting. Thanks!</div>Sorry for noob question and bad english. how to put that error message like WF on movie download support topics?
  10. One question, would appreciate help What I'm trying to do is to make a error message appear on a certain few pages, and only those pages, how is this possible? Like for instance, on WF the message only shows in downloads forum topics. how would i do this? Thanks for much if reply. anybody know this please?
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