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  1. Ah, wasn't sure if it was, or not. It looked so different to what I'm used to.
  2. I'd also like to know what it is. It looks intriguing.
  3. Considering donating as well, actually.
  4. Maybe me? I would like to win something.
  5. I would actually appreciate something like this.
  6. I'm more partial to Watch Dogs, myself.
  7. Interesting. Though, people shouldn't jump to conclusions.
  8. A pretty easy thing, but nonetheless pretty snazzy.
  9. Have you tried installing a new skin, and seeing if it works with that? If it does, it may be that your skin has corrupted. If not, you may actually have corrupted js files.
  10. You would need to have the Pages application installed. Once that is installed, whether by actually purchasing it, or using one of the downloads provided here, you can actually create your pages. They can use the same wrapper as your community theme, or you can create your own custom look, though, it can often be a lot more complicated.
  11. That button only appears if you have it set to generate a topic when a file is submitted. You need to set that in the category settings via the ACP. Here's an example.
  12. I had this same issue. It was simply a case of editing an SQL table. I can't remember which one it was, but take a good look in the database.
  13. Seems like a pretty nifty tweak. Thanks for the tutorial.
  14. AkuNoOuji

    Question WF SKIN ?

    I want this theme, lol.
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