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  1. Hi team, As title states, it would be great to get this!
  2. I luckily just started watching Game of Thrones because I always thought it was going to be awful - turns out to be the best show ever and I have the entire series to binge watch!
  3. No clue how I didn't see this - thanks heaps.
  4. On the bottom of the Webflake forum, how do I get my forum/member statistics to be combined like that? Any help is appreciated.
  5. I am very interested in hiring you for a project of mine, I would like some art done which I would be needing monthly to feature latest updates. If you're interested, private message me. I would love to hear from you.
  6. Hello everybody, I would like to remove the ORIGINAL portal navbar link, and or MOVE it to the first slot. As you can see above, I want to make the highlighted 'Portal' be in front of the 'Forums' and or remove the highlighted one. Any help would be great, I appreciate it. Sincerely, Derosier
  7. Welcome to Webflake, hope you enjoy yourself with the great community. Hope to see you posting around.
  8. So you want your logo, to be on the header of your site?
  9. What exactly do you want done for your second request, as I don't actually understand.
  10. So you're looking for an plugin that counts down?
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