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Valentine last won the day on March 19 2015

Valentine had the most liked content!


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  1. ooo baby a triple

  2. I appreciate Erza. She's a lovely user. :)
  3. You're a great contributor here and I'm sad you haven't been modded yet. :[

    1. Erza


      Aww, thank you, Valentine! I'll be applying for moderator when the system is up. :) 

    2. Kingy


      Your time will come Erza! :)

    3. Lady C

      Lady C

      Totally agree with this!

      Can't wait to see more of you.

  4. It's good, but there is a lack of consistency. For example in your userinfopane, you use images for the little icons, yet elsewhere there are font awesome icons. I suggest sticking to one rather than having both.
  5. So, I saw that some dude wanted to thank someone/show appreciation for something they did on this site, but it was locked. So what better way to appreciate users than to post about them here in this thread? Post about any users that you appreciate for whatever reason. 8)
  6. I do feel like it's more awkward to make status updates in 4.0 :x

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Valentine


      Exactly. And what? "Thomas replied to a profile comment"


      it's a status update, not a profile comment ipb...

    3. Nervodx


      All of that is true indeed. One thing I do enjoy is the ability to use the various formatting options within the status updates.

    4. Xtewart


      Totally agree.

  7. IPS 4.0 has problems for sure, but compare 3.0 to 3.4 and you'll see the improvements/differences. Hopefully 4.0 will follow suit!
  8. Great work everyone! Site is looking fantastic and I can't wait to see what changes are brought.
  9. Is there a friends feature for 4.0 yet? Not asking you guys to put anything on hold for it, but I'm just asking. It is one of my favorite features to use on the board.
  10. I say go ahead! It would be nice to be a part of a 4.0 forum. I assume all of our downloads and posts will read yeah?
  11. Well deserved! You have always been a great help to me, and overall you're an upstanding member so congratulations.
  12. Congrats! I look forward to seeing the support you provide for us across the community.
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