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Erza last won the day on May 3 2020

Erza had the most liked content!

About Erza

  • Birthday 06/09/1994

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. Welcome to WebFlake. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  2. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  3. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  4. Ayyy. O, shit I have to rate. Uhm. 4/10, not my preference.
  5. Welcome to WebFlake, Roger. Be sure to read the guidelines found here: https://webflake.sx/guidelines-webflake/
  6. Erza

    Russian Roulette

    That's because I've decided to wait until the member sees they were the winner. Just so they know why they got banned.
  7. Erza

    Russian Roulette

    New year, time to start this back up. Let's roll the winner shall we? The winner gets a 24 hour ban. ....... ...... The winner is..... @Len Kagamine.
  8. Erza

    Russian Roulette

    Rules changed guys. instead of 7 days, it's 24 hours now. Let's do this!
  9. Erza

    Russian Roulette

    Keep going. Just a few more.
  10. Erza

    Russian Roulette

    Round two has started.
  11. Erza

    Russian Roulette

    Xypher has 31 ( discord ) Rosicky has 54 ( chat box )
  12. Erza

    Russian Roulette

    Let's play Russian Roulette. It's simple: Pick a random number. Once there's enough numbers, I'll let a site generate a random number for me, and if it falls on your number ... you are temporary banned for 24hrs. (If you make a second account during this day, you'll get permanently banned. No duplicate accounts still count.)
  13. Then you can enable it in your admin control panel. Probably somewhere under customize, I'm not sure. You'll have to navigate yourself in your ACP, as we can't hold your hand for every bit.
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