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  1. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /home/gerox224/public_html/forums/system/Member/Member.php on line 2676 $fields[ $profileFieldGroup ] = ( new \IPS\core\ProfileFields\Api\FieldGroup( $this->language()->get( 'core_pfieldgroups_' . $profileFieldGroup ), $groupValues ) )->apiOutput(); } Can you tell me how to fix it?
  2. ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access /forums/admin/ on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. How can i fix it? Please help me.. It happens in every theme.
  3. You are my hero, i was searching for this since 3 days and i couldn't get anything.. even i searched it on everywhere (webflake aswell) You got a like :)
  4. Do you mean something like "http://webflake.sx/uploads/monthly_2015_05/ModernMember.png.e151b9d5633853526236137c033d87f3.png" ?
  5. Hey How can i change colour of Subway Skin? Default one, please help me. I found it, you can lock topic. Thanks :)
  6. Sorry for reply to old topic But i couldn't understand the solution too.. It doesn't change default color @Nervodx
  7. Hello http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_file_upload.asp I want to make same of this, but not images. I want with .zip files with maximum 20MB space. Can somebody help me? tried to edit but failed.
  8. You sir, survived one of best clan of a game :p Thanks :)
  9. Hello I just moved my web to another web with database. And this appeared.. http://team-xpr.esy.es/forum/ Admin panel aswell.. what should i do? You can see images doesn't work fine
  10. Gosh, never saw that before. Thanks for your help! You really helped me. Now i am working on it if i have problems i will contact you @
  11. Hi guys Like the question, how can i? I tried all the ways but it doesn't work. ProMenu or Fusion Menu doesn't make it. It's different. Please guide me, i spent 9 hours to do that but i couldn't. I am going to be sick.. Please Cheers.
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