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  1. Did WebFlake's fanpage was taken daown? Or wat?

    1. Lady C

      Lady C

      Yeah very strange!


    2. GradientWizzard


      @Phun can probably explain more on this...

  2. Yep, it was the problem. Hosting provider had problems with their php settings, but now it's fixed. This will help to anyone who has the same problem in the future. Thanks.
  3. Until yesterday it was running flawlessly. Today I woke up and it wasn't working, then the fresh install and the log says what's quoted above. Can I have a more detailed explanation, if possible? Thanks.
  4. Hi, I'm currently having some troubles with my website. Due to memory_limit changes, the site started to fail, so I'm now trying to do a fresh install, anyway, now I'm having a "500 ERROR" and checking the logs I just found this: Could you please help me fix this? Thanks in advance.
  5. I currently run IPB but in the past when vB 4.0 was released, I gave it a try but it wasn't worthy. Anyway, I read a lot of good stuff about the 3.x version of vB, but as far as I saw it was so outdated. IPB got the flexibility you need, but the community is still smaller than vB since they have big built community over the good years they had.
  6. This Just have in mind, if you plan to launch a forum of whatever the niche be, you better get a minimal amount of market to don't waste your money for weeks/months building an audience. You can try to begin with a FB fanpage, twitter and instagram.
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