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capt-bullet last won the day on April 7 2016

capt-bullet had the most liked content!

About capt-bullet

  • Birthday 12/30/1979

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  1. Life always get me and as i say before here i'm one more time
  2. I try to stay active but is hard now for me i just got a full time job plus the kids house well real life but hey it is always good to check on u guys
  3. hello guys here is me back one more time ...but i have to keep up with so many thing that i always forgot on making a post here to not lose my rank
  4. Hey guys i 'm back ....now i have to make the post again but is ok so .....i will check what is new here and also update my website i need the new IPB seee ya
  5. Hello guys i'm back is been a long time i don pass by here ....so hello again to everyone
    I try to use this theme and every time i try to upload it it say the file needs to be smaller that 2 Mb any fix for that
  6. Version 1.0.0


    phpFox is a featured packed social networking solution. Our goal is to provide your community with features found on major social networking websites like Facebook and MySpace.phpFox is built on a platform that gives you full control with your websites layout giving you the ability to easily create a unique look direct from the comfort of your Admin Control Panel.
  7. Version 1.0.0


  8. Version 1.0.0


    Here is the new and fresh version of PHPFox social network scrip total null and stable
  9. Hello guys my web code name is Capt-Bullet i'm glad to be part of this forum as i my self like to code and crate my own website and Web Flake have a lot of resource to help any one along the way .....like the work all the staff put in to keep this forum clean and free of bugs ...Congrats guys
  10. Ok thanks well i really appreciate your advice and trust me i will never do that i run a forum my self and ii have more less the same rules not as mush as you guys cuz my is a gaming website for our clan but thanks for the quick respond
  11. Hello guys well i'm a member maybe not the mos active but i do visit you guys alot i like to read and test some of the info you guys have here and i see that the website change and with that change i have a problem i can download nothing i don't know if is a new rule that you guys implement or something that is not set up so please if any body of the staff can help me on that a really appreciate .......Thanks
  12. Hello guys thanks for accepting me here see you guys around
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