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  1. Hello everyone, I am expermencieng a problem on ipb skin ''brave''. The problem is, the forum, actually don't know how to say in english, ''shrinks down'', I mean gets smaller when window is ''restored''. If there is possibilty, how do I make forum width stay the same even when page is ''restored'', because I don't want the header to mess up. When not restored it looks like this: And when window made smaller, it looks like this: I hope you will understand what I mean I want the header to don't change after window is made smaller, since it looks bad, I want forum witdth to be fixed, staying same size even after its minimized. Also have another question: How do I edit forum copyright? I want to place it in the center, and change its color, since the main basis of whole forum is changing Thanks in advance, Mataz. Waiting for support
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