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Decon last won the day on November 5 2014

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  • Birthday 08/21/1996

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  1. This error occurs when IPS is trying to load a plugin or widget from an application and can't find it or it isn't working properly. I would start by finding out if it's a widget or a plugin, and working back from there. I don't know about in this specific case, but usually viewing the error log file can help get some insight on what is happening. Your error log can be found in /uploads/monthly_YYYY_MM/ folder or through the ACP. If that doesn't exist or tell you anything, then I would say to check that all your widget and plugins are installed properly.
  2. It doesn't look familiar to any theme I've seen used by IPS, and browsing through the source code and custom stylesheet make's it look like it was custom made. They have also branded it as their own in the footer with the theme name, so I would say it's not available unless exported or ripped from their site. I may be wrong though.
  3. The way IPS loads it's classes is by prefixing their original classes with a unique character (an underscore), then loading all the plugins/hooks and patching them over the original class, then patching an empty class with the proper name at the end. For example, IPS\_Output would be extended by IPS\hook123 which would then be extended to IPS\Output (which would be blank), so that all the hooks (in the order they are installed I believe), are loaded before creating the right name for the output. By the looks of this error message, one of your hooks/plugins got deleted or uninstalled improperly, and now it can't find it while it's trying to patch it. I've never experienced this issue before, but your best bet would be to check that all the plugins you have installed are installed correctly, and if you deleted any plugins, make sure they are actually out of your script so that IPS has no way of knowing that it ever existed in the first place. Look inside your /plugins/hooks.php file and look for the numeric ID 489 and see what it's looking for and what it's trying to override. Either delete that section of code in the file carefully to not mess up the rest of the file and then try again.
  4. My personal go to favorite is definitely Invision Power Suite, usually pretty stable, easy to use, highly customizable, and very optimized. The downside being that because it is so great, a lot of forums use it. MyBB is a great free alternative, however, I find that it isn't as easy, and most customization pieces seem to be universal and most themes look very similar or overused. I have no interest in vBulletin, it seems to be the least popular of the forum softwares I have found. XenForo is pretty good, but I think they push updates extremely slow.
  5. I've only ever used IOS devices, but I've heard Android is the way to go for customization. I really like IOS interface and security though.
  6. If you change your display name or profile picture, IPS should update it throughout your website to show the changes. You shouldn't need any additional special code?
  7. My first guess is that you actually are gonna wanna looking into finding the color in Javascript, not PHP.
  8. I used to be a huge fan of Firefox, I liked the interface and all the developer features. But then I switched to Google Chrome and I've been using for a while now. I like the interface of Safari, but I don't like it's lack of developer features and they don't support it on Windows anymore.
  9. Good to here that it is working. Glad someone can actually verify that it works on the latest release.
  10. Sadly, I cannot seem to get my hands on any beta release after the second, so I can't see what they changed or see why it doesn't. In the code, just up the expiration date to as high as you want. Any information on what doesn't work? Does it say the license is expired or what is the problem? If I could get my hands on a newer copy of IPS I would try to update the code. Also, the code in the thread has been updated and revised.
  11. This error is because you are not using a IPS 4.0, but rather IP.Board 3.x. This tutorial is for 4.0, sorry! Were you using 4.0 or an older version?
  12. Mind posting the error here so I can look at it? I'll work on updating this code in the meanwhile.
  13. I've been using Font Awesome for a while and I'm very pleased. I'm not a huge fan of all these other fonts rising up, but I can't wait for Black Tie.
  14. Seeing some of the other results make me feel like my website didn't do too bad. xD I'm not very well educated at load timing, but I don't think I did too bad:
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