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About snd

  • Birthday 10/31/1995

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  1. iPhone ofc because is more secure and i hope that they don't sell data
  2. snd

    IPB 4 or 3

    of course ips4 is 2018 we can not compare the two versions anymore
  3. bitdefender just because is originated from my country
  4. snd

    Why ?

    for all of that free content that you get from here, 2 posts is minimum we can do in exchange
  5. snd

    IOS or Android?

    ios, no one need all that nonsense that android comes with
  6. snd

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to everybody!
  7. I have a problem with Members Online Today 1.1.1 hook. Settings of this hook doesn't exists.. i tested also 1.1.0, rebuild cache, activate/deactivate hook.. but still not showing the settings.. any ideas? I use IPB 3.4.6 EDIT: RESOLVED.. sorry for topic, i resolve this myself.
  8. I use only en_US on my board. Thanks a lot, it work for me.
  9. i have this http://i.imgur.com/6IwGESA.png i want commas http://i.imgur.com/YX3pmnn.png you got it? I use en_US
  10. I don't want to modify userinfopane, i want boardindextemplate
  11. WebFlake stats are like this (with , ) 46,095 Total Posts My stats are like this (without ,) 46095 Total Posts How i can put "," like this? It's a hook or a simple modification in ipb files? I see other forums with . like this 46.095.. I don't know how to explain on another way.. sorry
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